%0 Journal Article %T T-Patterns Revisited: Mining for Temporal Patterns in Sensor Data %A Albert Ali Salah %A E. Pauwels %A R. Tavenard %A Theo Gevers %J Sensors %D 2010 %V 10 %N 8 %F Albert Ali Salah2010 %O ALTRES;ISE %O exported from refbase (http://refbase.cvc.uab.es/show.php?record=1845), last updated on Tue, 12 Jul 2016 10:57:06 +0200 %X The trend to use large amounts of simple sensors as opposed to a few complex sensors to monitor places and systems creates a need for temporal pattern mining algorithms to work on such data. The methods that try to discover re-usable and interpretable patterns in temporal event data have several shortcomings. We contrast several recent approaches to the problem, and extend the T-Pattern algorithm, which was previously applied for detection of sequential patterns in behavioural sciences. The temporal complexity of the T-pattern approach is prohibitive in the scenarios we consider. We remedy this with a statistical model to obtain a fast and robust algorithm to find patterns in temporal data. We test our algorithm on a recent database collected with passive infrared sensors with millions of events. %K sensor networks %K temporal pattern extraction %K T-patterns %K Lempel-Ziv %K Gaussian mixture model %K MERL motion data %U http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/s100807496 %P 7496-7513