%0 Conference Proceedings %T Conditional Random Fields for image segmentation in Intravascular Ultrasound %A Francesco Ciompi %A Oriol Pujol %A E Fernandez-Nofrerias %A J. Mauri %A Petia Radeva %B Medical Image Computing in Catalunya: Graduate Student Workshop %D 2010 %F Francesco Ciompi2010 %O MILAB;HUPBA %O exported from refbase (http://refbase.cvc.uab.es/show.php?record=1453), last updated on Thu, 18 Jan 2018 11:59:52 +0100 %X We present a Conditional Random Fields based approach for segmenting Intravascular Ultrasond (IVUS) images. The presented method uses a contextual discriminative graphical model to deal with the presence of distorsions and artifacts in IVUS images, that turns the segmentation of interesting regions into a difficult task. An accurate lumen segmentation on IVUS longitudinal images is achieved. %P 13–14