%0 Journal Article %T Towards a unified chromatic inducction model %A Xavier Otazu %A C. Alejandro Parraga %A Maria Vanrell %J Journal of Vision %D 2010 %V 10 %N 12:5 %F Xavier Otazu2010 %O CIC %O exported from refbase (http://refbase.cvc.uab.es/show.php?record=1450), last updated on Tue, 14 Jul 2015 11:02:44 +0200 %X In a previous work (X. Otazu, M. Vanrell, & C. A. Párraga, 2008b), we showed how several brightness induction effects can be predicted using a simple multiresolution wavelet model (BIWaM). Here we present a new model for chromatic induction processes (termed Chromatic Induction Wavelet Model or CIWaM), which is also implemented on a multiresolution framework and based on similar assumptions related to the spatial frequency and the contrast surround energy of the stimulus. The CIWaM can be interpreted as a very simple extension of the BIWaM to the chromatic channels, which in our case are defined in the MacLeod-Boynton (lsY) color space. This new model allows us to unify both chromatic assimilation and chromatic contrast effects in a single mathematical formulation. The predictions of the CIWaM were tested by means of several color and brightness induction experiments, which showed an acceptable agreement between model predictions and psychophysical data. %K Visual system %K Color induction %K Wavelet transform %U http://www.journalofvision.org/content/10/12/5.full %U http://dx.doi.org/10.1167/10.12.5 %P 1-24