@Article{AgataLapedriza2006, author="Agata Lapedriza and David Masip and Jordi Vitria", title="On the Use of External Face Features for Identity Verification", year="2006", optkeywords="Face Verification", optkeywords="Computer Vision", optkeywords="Machine Learning", abstract="In general automatic face classification applications images are captured in natural environments. In these cases, the performance is affected by variations in facial images related to illumination, pose, occlusion or expressions. Most of the existing face classification systems use only the internal features information, composed by eyes, nose and mouth, since they are more difficult to imitate. Nevertheless, nowadays a lot of applications not related to security are developed, and in these cases the information located at head, chin or ears zones (external features) can be useful to improve the current accuracies. However, the lack of a natural alignment in these areas makes difficult to extract these features applying classic Bottom-Up methods. In this paper, we propose a complete scheme based on a Top-Down reconstruction algorithm to extract external features of face images. To test our system we have performed face verification experiments using public databases, given that identity verification is a general task that has many real life applications. We have considered images uniformly illuminated, images with occlusions and images with high local changes in the illumination, and the obtained results show that the information contributed by the external features can be useful for verification purposes, specially significant when faces are partially occluded.", optnote="OR;MV", optnote="exported from refbase (http://refbase.cvc.uab.es/show.php?record=708), last updated on Fri, 03 Feb 2012 19:39:32 +0100", doi="10.4304/jmm.1.4.11-20" }