@InProceedings{HenryVelesaca2022, author="Henry Velesaca and Patricia Suarez and Angel Sappa and Dario Carpio and Rafael E. Rivadeneira and Angel Sanchez", title="Review on Common Techniques for Urban Environment Video Analytics", booktitle="Anais do III Workshop Brasileiro de Cidades Inteligentes", year="2022", pages="107--118", optkeywords="Video Analytics", optkeywords="Review", optkeywords="Urban Environments", optkeywords="Smart Cities", abstract="This work compiles the different computer vision-based approachesfrom the state-of-the-art intended for video analytics in urban environments.The manuscript groups the different approaches according to the typical modules present in video analysis, including image preprocessing, object detection,classification, and tracking. This proposed pipeline serves as a basic guide torepresenting these most representative approaches in this topic of video analysisthat will be addressed in this work. Furthermore, the manuscript is not intendedto be an exhaustive review of the most advanced approaches, but only a list ofcommon techniques proposed to address recurring problems in this field.", optnote="MSIAU; 601.349", optnote="exported from refbase (http://refbase.cvc.uab.es/show.php?record=3773), last updated on Thu, 27 Apr 2023 10:18:15 +0200", opturl="https://doi.org/10.5753/wbci.2022.223096", file=":http://refbase.cvc.uab.es/files/VSS2022.pdf:PDF" }