@Article{SaadMinhas2022, author="Saad Minhas and Zeba Khanam and Shoaib Ehsan and Klaus McDonald Maier and Aura Hernandez-Sabate", title="Weather Classification by Utilizing Synthetic Data", journal="Sensors", year="2022", publisher="MDPI", volume="22", number="9", pages="3193", optkeywords="Weather classification", optkeywords="synthetic data", optkeywords="dataset", optkeywords="autonomous car", optkeywords="computer vision", optkeywords="advanced driver assistance systems", optkeywords="deep learning", optkeywords="intelligent transportation systems", abstract="Weather prediction from real-world images can be termed a complex task when targeting classification using neural networks. Moreover, the number of images throughout the available datasets can contain a huge amount of variance when comparing locations with the weather those images are representing. In this article, the capabilities of a custom built driver simulator are explored specifically to simulate a wide range of weather conditions. Moreover, the performance of a new synthetic dataset generated by the above simulator is also assessed. The results indicate that the use of synthetic datasets in conjunction with real-world datasets can increase the training efficiency of the CNNs by as much as 74\%. The article paves a way forward to tackle the persistent problem of bias in vision-based datasets.", optnote="IAM; 600.139; 600.159; 600.166; 600.145;", optnote="exported from refbase (http://refbase.cvc.uab.es/show.php?record=3761), last updated on Tue, 25 Apr 2023 15:35:21 +0200", doi="10.3390/s22093193" }