@InProceedings{DeboraGil2006, author="Debora Gil and Oriol Rodriguez and J. Mauri and Petia Radeva", title="Statistical descriptors of the Myocardial perfusion in angiographic images", booktitle="Proc. Computers in Cardiology", year="2006", pages="677--680", optkeywords="Anisotropic processing", optkeywords="intravascular ultrasound (IVUS)", optkeywords="vessel border segmentation", optkeywords="vessel structure classification.", abstract="Restoration of coronary flow after primary percutaneous coronary intervention in acute myocardial infarction does not always correlate with adequate myocardial perfusion. Recently, coronary angiography has been used to assess microcirculation integrity (Myocardial BlushAnalysis, MBA). Although MBA correlates with patient prognosis there are few image processing methods addressing objective perfusion quantification. The goal of this work is to develop statistical descriptors of the myocardial dyeing pattern allowing objective assessment of myocardial perfusion. Experiments on healthy right coronary arteries show that our approach allows reliable measurements without any specific image acquisition protocol.", optnote="IAM;MILAB", optnote="exported from refbase (http://refbase.cvc.uab.es/show.php?record=1528), last updated on Fri, 23 Jun 2017 11:23:58 +0200" }