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  Author Title Year (up) Publication Volume Pages Links
Josep Llados; Young-Bin Kwon Graphics Recognition. Recent Advances and Perspectives 2004 LNCS 3080, ISBN: 3–540–22478–5 details   openurl
Antonio Lopez; Ernest Valveny; Juan J. Villanueva Real-time quality control of surgical material packaging by artificial vision 2005 Assembly Automation 25 details   url
Agnes Borras; Josep Llados Object Image Retrieval by Shape Content in Complex Scenes Using Geometric Constraints 2005 Pattern Recognition And Image Analysis 3522 325–332 details   pdf doi
Joan Mas; Gemma Sanchez; Josep Llados An Adjacency Grammar to Recognize Symbols and Gestures in a Digital Pen Framework 2005 Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (IbPRIA 2005), LNCS 3523: 115–122 details   openurl
Joan Mas Syntactic approaches to recognize bi-dimensional shapes in graphics recognition. Application to sketching interfaces 2005 CVC Technical Report #86 details   openurl
Marçal Rusiñol; Josep Llados Symbol Spotting in Technical Drawings Using Vectorial Signatures 2005 6th IAPR International Workshop on Graphics Recognition (GREC 2005), 35–45 details   openurl
Alicia Fornes; Josep Llados; Gemma Sanchez Primitive Segmentation in Old Handwritten Music Scores 2005 6th IAPR International Workshop on Graphics Recognition (GREC 2005) details   openurl
Alicia Fornes; Josep Llados; Gemma Sanchez Staff and graphical primitive segmentation in old handwritten music scores 2005 details   openurl
Anton Cervantes; Gemma Sanchez; Josep Llados; Agnes Borras; A. Rodriguez Biometric Recognition Based on Line Shape Descriptors 2005 Sixth IAPR International Workshop on Graphics Recognition (GREC 2005) 335–344 details   openurl
Joan Mas; Gemma Sanchez; Josep Llados An Incremental Parser to Recognize Diagram Symbols and Gestures represented by Adjacency Grammars 2005 Sixth IAPR International Workshop on Graphics Recognition (GREC 2005), 229–237 details   openurl
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