Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Links |
Josep Llados; Gemma Sanchez; Enric Marti |
A String-Based Method to Recognize Symbols and Structural Textures in Architectural Plans. |
1997 |
Graphics Recognition Algorithms and Systems. GREC 1997. |
1389 |
91-103 |
Ernest Valveny; Enric Marti |
Deformable Template Matching within a Bayesian Framework for Hand-Written Graphic Symbol Recognition |
2000 |
Graphics Recognition Recent Advances |
1941 |
193-208 |
Alicia Fornes; Bart Lamiroy |
Graphics Recognition, Current Trends and Evolutions |
2018 |
Graphics Recognition, Current Trends and Evolutions |
11009 |
Salim Jouili; Salvatore Tabbone; Ernest Valveny |
Comparing Graph Similarity Measures for Graphical Recognition |
2010 |
Graphics Recognition. Achievements, Challenges, and Evolution. 8th International Workshop, GREC 2009. Selected Papers |
6020 |
37-48 |
Joan Mas; Gemma Sanchez; Josep Llados |
SSP: Sketching slide Presentations, a Syntactic Approach |
2010 |
Graphics Recognition. Achievements, Challenges, and Evolution. 8th International Workshop, GREC 2009. Selected Papers |
6020 |
118-129 |
Mathieu Nicolas Delalandre; Jean-Yves Ramel; Ernest Valveny; Muhammad Muzzamil Luqman |
A Performance Characterization Algorithm for Symbol Localization |
2010 |
Graphics Recognition. Achievements, Challenges, and Evolution. 8th International Workshop, GREC 2009. Selected Papers |
6020 |
260–271 |
Marçal Rusiñol; K. Bertet; Jean-Marc Ogier; Josep Llados |
Symbol Recognition Using a Concept Lattice of Graphical Patterns |
2010 |
Graphics Recognition. Achievements, Challenges, and Evolution. 8th International Workshop, GREC 2009. Selected Papers |
6020 |
187-198 |
Partha Pratim Roy; Umapada Pal; Josep Llados |
Touching Text Character Localization in Graphical Documents using SIFT |
2010 |
Graphics Recognition. Achievements, Challenges, and Evolution. 8th International Workshop, GREC 2009. Selected Papers |
6020 |
199-211 |
Anjan Dutta; Josep Llados; Horst Bunke; Umapada Pal |
A Product Graph Based Method for Dual Subgraph Matching Applied to Symbol Spotting |
2014 |
Graphics Recognition. Current Trends and Challenges |
8746 |
7-11 |
Lluis Pere de las Heras; Ernest Valveny; Gemma Sanchez |
Unsupervised and Notation-Independent Wall Segmentation in Floor Plans Using a Combination of Statistical and Structural Strategies |
2014 |
Graphics Recognition. Current Trends and Challenges |
8746 |
109-121 |