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Gemma Sanchez; Josep Llados; K. Tombre An Error-Correction Graph Grammar to Recognize Textured Symbols. 2001 Fourth IAPR International Workshop on Graphics Recognition, GREC 2001, 135–146. details   openurl
Maria Vanrell; Felipe Lumbreras; A. Pujol; Ramon Baldrich; Josep Llados; Juan J. Villanueva Colour Normalisation Based on Background Information. 2001 Proceeding ICIP 2001, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 874–877 details   openurl
Josep Llados; Enric Marti A graph-edit algorithm for hand-drawn graphical document recognition and their automatic introduction into CAD systems. 1999 Machine Graphics & Vision, 8(2):195–211. details   openurl
Robert Benavente; Gemma Sanchez; Ramon Baldrich; Maria Vanrell; Josep Llados Normalized colour segmentation for human appearance description. 2000 15 th International Conference on Pattern Recognition 3 637-641 details   openurl
Gemma Sanchez; Josep Llados; K. Tombre A mean string algorithm to compute the average among a set of 2D shapes 2002 Pattern Recognition Letters 23 203–214 details   doi
Josep Llados; Gemma Sanchez; K. Tombre An Error-Correction Graph Grammar to Recognize Texture Symbols. 2002 Graphics Recognition: Algorithms and Apllications, LNCS 2390: 128–138, Springer Verlag. details   openurl
Ramon Baldrich; Ricardo Toledo; Ernest Valveny; Maria Vanrell Perceptual Colour Image Segmentation. 2002 Proceeding of the Second IASTED International Conference Visualization, Imaging and Image Proceesing VIIP 2002: 145–150. details   openurl
Ricardo Toledo; Ramon Baldrich; Ernest Valveny; Petia Radeva Enhancing snakes for vessel detection in angiography images. 2002 Proceedings of the Second IASTED International Conference Visualization, Imaging and Image Proceesing VIIP 2002: 139–144. details   openurl
Ernest Valveny; B. Lamiroy Automatic Generation of Browsable Technical Documents. 2002 Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference on Pattern Recognition ICPR 2002: 188–191. details   openurl
Gemma Sanchez; Josep Llados; K. Tombre A mean string algorithm to compute the average among a set of 2D shapes 2000 CVC Technical Report #38 details   openurl
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