Jaume Garcia, Debora Gil, & Aura Hernandez-Sabate. (2010). Endowing Canonical Geometries to Cardiac Structures. In O. Camara, M. Pop, K. Rhode, M. Sermesant, N. Smith, & A. Young (Eds.), Statistical Atlases And Computational Models Of The Heart (Vol. 6364, pp. 124–133). LNCS. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg.
Abstract: International conference on Cardiac electrophysiological simulation challenge
In this paper, we show that canonical (shape-based) geometries can be endowed to cardiac structures using tubular coordinates defined over their medial axis. We give an analytic formulation of these geometries by means of B-Splines. Since B-Splines present vector space structure PCA can be applied to their control points and statistical models relating boundaries and the interior of the anatomical structures can be derived. We demonstrate the applicability in two cardiac structures, the 3D Left Ventricular volume, and the 2D Left-Right ventricle set in 2D Short Axis view.