Lluis Pere de las Heras and Gemma Sanchez. 2011. And-Or Graph Grammar for Architectural Floorplan Representation, Learning and Recognition. A Semantic, Structural and Hierarchical Model. 5th Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis.17–24.
Abstract: This paper presents a syntactic model for architectural floor plan interpretation. A stochastic image grammar over an And-Or graph is inferred to represent the hierarchical, structural and semantic relations between elements of all possible floor plans. This grammar is augmented with three different probabilistic models, learnt from a training set, to account the frequency of that relations. Then, a Bottom-Up/Top-Down parser with a pruning strategy has been used for floor plan recognition. For a given input, the parser generates the most probable parse graph for that document. This graph not only contains the structural and semantic relations of its elements, but also its hierarchical composition, that allows to interpret the floor plan at different levels of abstraction.
Jaume Gibert, Ernest Valveny and Horst Bunke. 2011. Vocabulary Selection for Graph of Words Embedding. In Vitria, J., J.M.R. Sanches and M. Hernández, eds. 5th Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis. Berlin, Springer, 216–223. (LNCS.)
Abstract: The Graph of Words Embedding consists in mapping every graph in a given dataset to a feature vector by counting unary and binary relations between node attributes of the graph. It has been shown to perform well for graphs with discrete label alphabets. In this paper we extend the methodology to graphs with n-dimensional continuous attributes by selecting node representatives. We propose three different discretization procedures for the attribute space and experimentally evaluate the dependence on both the selector and the number of node representatives. In the context of graph classification, the experimental results reveal that on two out of three public databases the proposed extension achieves superior performance over a standard reference system.
Jon Almazan, Ernest Valveny and Alicia Fornes. 2011. Deforming the Blurred Shape Model for Shape Description and Recognition. In Jordi Vitria, Joao Miguel Raposo and Mario Hernandez, eds. 5th Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis. Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 1–8. (LNCS.)
Abstract: This paper presents a new model for the description and recognition of distorted shapes, where the image is represented by a pixel density distribution based on the Blurred Shape Model combined with a non-linear image deformation model. This leads to an adaptive structure able to capture elastic deformations in shapes. This method has been evaluated using thee different datasets where deformations are present, showing the robustness and good performance of the new model. Moreover, we show that incorporating deformation and flexibility, the new model outperforms the BSM approach when classifying shapes with high variability of appearance.
Jaume Gibert, Ernest Valveny and Horst Bunke. 2011. Dimensionality Reduction for Graph of Words Embedding. In Xiaoyi Jiang, Miquel Ferrer and Andrea Torsello, eds. 8th IAPR-TC-15 International Workshop. Graph-Based Representations in Pattern Recognition.22–31. (LNCS.)
Abstract: The Graph of Words Embedding consists in mapping every graph of a given dataset to a feature vector by counting unary and binary relations between node attributes of the graph. While it shows good properties in classification problems, it suffers from high dimensionality and sparsity. These two issues are addressed in this article. Two well-known techniques for dimensionality reduction, kernel principal component analysis (kPCA) and independent component analysis (ICA), are applied to the embedded graphs. We discuss their performance compared to the classification of the original vectors on three different public databases of graphs.
Marçal Rusiñol, Dimosthenis Karatzas and Josep Llados. 2015. Automatic Verification of Properly Signed Multi-page Document Images. Proceedings of the Eleventh International Symposium on Visual Computing.327–336. (LNCS 9475.)
Abstract: In this paper we present an industrial application for the automatic screening of incoming multi-page documents in a banking workflow aimed at determining whether these documents are properly signed or not. The proposed method is divided in three main steps. First individual pages are classified in order to identify the pages that should contain a signature. In a second step, we segment within those key pages the location where the signatures should appear. The last step checks whether the signatures are present or not. Our method is tested in a real large-scale environment and we report the results when checking two different types of real multi-page contracts, having in total more than 14,500 pages.
Keywords: Document Image; Manual Inspection; Signature Verification; Rejection Criterion; Document Flow
Joana Maria Pujadas-Mora and 6 others. 2022. The Barcelona Historical Marriage Database and the Baix Llobregat Demographic Database. From Algorithms for Handwriting Recognition to Individual-Level Demographic and Socioeconomic Data.
Abstract: The Barcelona Historical Marriage Database (BHMD) gathers records of the more than 600,000 marriages celebrated in the Diocese of Barcelona and their taxation registered in Barcelona Cathedral's so-called Marriage Licenses Books for the long period 1451–1905 and the BALL Demographic Database brings together the individual information recorded in the population registers, censuses and fiscal censuses of the main municipalities of the county of Baix Llobregat (Barcelona). In this ongoing collection 263,786 individual observations have been assembled, dating from the period between 1828 and 1965 by December 2020. The two databases started as part of different interdisciplinary research projects at the crossroads of Historical Demography and Computer Vision. Their construction uses artificial intelligence and computer vision methods as Handwriting Recognition to reduce the time of execution. However, its current state still requires some human intervention which explains the implemented crowdsourcing and game sourcing experiences. Moreover, knowledge graph techniques have allowed the application of advanced record linkage to link the same individuals and families across time and space. Moreover, we will discuss the main research lines using both databases developed so far in historical demography.
Keywords: Individual demographic databases; Computer vision, Record linkage; Social mobility; Inequality; Migration; Word spotting; Handwriting recognition; Local censuses; Marriage Licences
Carles Sanchez, Oriol Ramos Terrades, Patricia Marquez, Enric Marti, J.Roncaries and Debora Gil. 2015. Automatic evaluation of practices in Moodle for Self Learning in Engineering.
Chenyang Fu, Kaida Xiao, Dimosthenis Karatzas and Sophie Wuerger. 2011. Investigation of Unique Hue Setting Changes with Ageing. COL, 9(5), 053301-5.
Abstract: Clromatic sensitivity along the protan, deutan, and tritan lines and the loci of the unique hues (red, green, yellow, blue) for a very large sample (n = 185) of colour-normal observers ranging from 18 to 75 years of age are assessed. Visual judgments are obtained under normal viewing conditions using colour patches on self-luminous display under controlled adaptation conditions. Trivector discrimination thresholds show an increase as a function of age along the protan, deutan, and tritan axes, with the largest increase present along the tritan line, less pronounced shifts in unique hue settings are also observed. Based on the chromatic (protan, deutan, tritan) thresholds and using scaled cone signals, we predict the unique hue changes with ageing. A dependency on age for unique red and unique yellow for predicted hue angle is found. We conclude that the chromatic sensitivity deteriorates significantly with age, whereas the appearance of unique hues is much less affected, remaining almost constant despite the known changes in the ocular media.
T.Chauhan, E.Perales, Kaida Xiao, E.Hird, Dimosthenis Karatzas and Sophie Wuerger. 2014. The achromatic locus: Effect of navigation direction in color space. VSS, 14 (1)(25), 1–11.
Abstract: 5Y Impact Factor: 2.99 / 1st (Ophthalmology)
An achromatic stimulus is defined as a patch of light that is devoid of any hue. This is usually achieved by asking observers to adjust the stimulus such that it looks neither red nor green and at the same time neither yellow nor blue. Despite the theoretical and practical importance of the achromatic locus, little is known about the variability in these settings. The main purpose of the current study was to evaluate whether achromatic settings were dependent on the task of the observers, namely the navigation direction in color space. Observers could either adjust the test patch along the two chromatic axes in the CIE u*v* diagram or, alternatively, navigate along the unique-hue lines. Our main result is that the navigation method affects the reliability of these achromatic settings. Observers are able to make more reliable achromatic settings when adjusting the test patch along the directions defined by the four unique hues as opposed to navigating along the main axes in the commonly used CIE u*v* chromaticity plane. This result holds across different ambient viewing conditions (Dark, Daylight, Cool White Fluorescent) and different test luminance levels (5, 20, and 50 cd/m2). The reduced variability in the achromatic settings is consistent with the idea that internal color representations are more aligned with the unique-hue lines than the u* and v* axes.
Keywords: achromatic; unique hues; color constancy; luminance; color space
Arnau Baro, Jialuo Chen, Alicia Fornes and Beata Megyesi. 2019. Towards a generic unsupervised method for transcription of encoded manuscripts. 3rd International Conference on Digital Access to Textual Cultural Heritage.73–78.
Abstract: Historical ciphers, a special type of manuscripts, contain encrypted information, important for the interpretation of our history. The first step towards decipherment is to transcribe the images, either manually or by automatic image processing techniques. Despite the improvements in handwritten text recognition (HTR) thanks to deep learning methodologies, the need of labelled data to train is an important limitation. Given that ciphers often use symbol sets across various alphabets and unique symbols without any transcription scheme available, these supervised HTR techniques are not suitable to transcribe ciphers. In this paper we propose an un-supervised method for transcribing encrypted manuscripts based on clustering and label propagation, which has been successfully applied to community detection in networks. We analyze the performance on ciphers with various symbol sets, and discuss the advantages and drawbacks compared to supervised HTR methods.
Keywords: A. Baró, J. Chen, A. Fornés, B. Megyesi.