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Oriol Ramos Terrades and Ernest Valveny. 2004. Indexing Technical Symbols Using Ridgelets Transform.
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Ernest Valveny and Philippe Dosch. 2004. Symbol Recognition Contest: A Synthesis.
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Gemma Sanchez and Josep Llados. 2004. Syntactic models to represent perceptually regular repetitive patterns in graphic documents.
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Joan Mas, Gemma Sanchez and Josep Llados. 2006. An Incremental Parser to Recognize Diagram Symbols and Gestures represented by Adjacency Grammars.
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Alicia Fornes, Josep Llados and Gemma Sanchez. 2006. Primitive Segmentation in Old Handwritten Music Scores. Graphics Recognition: Ten Years Review and Future Perspectives, W. Liu, J. Llados (Eds.), LNCS 3926: 288–299.
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Marçal Rusiñol and Josep Llados. 2006. Symbol Spotting in Technical Drawings Using Vectorial Signatures. Graphics Recognition: Ten Years Review and Future Perspectives, W. Liu, J. Llados (Eds.), LNCS 3926: 35–46.
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Philippe Dosch and Ernest Valveny. 2006. Report on the Second Symbol Recognition Contest. Graphics Recognition: Ten Years Review and Future Perspectives, W. Liu, J. Llados (Eds.), LNCS 3926: 381–397.
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Mathieu Nicolas Delalandre, Jean-Marc Ogier and Josep Llados. 2008. A Fast Cbir System of Old Ornamental Letter. In W. Liu, J.L., J.M. Ogier, ed. Graphics Reognition: Recent Advances and New Opportunities.135–144. (LNCS.)
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Josep Llados and Marçal Rusiñol. 2014. Graphics Recognition Techniques. In D. Doermann and K. Tombre, eds. Handbook of Document Image Processing and Recognition. Springer London, 489–521.
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Salvatore Tabbone and Oriol Ramos Terrades. 2014. An Overview of Symbol Recognition. In D. Doermann and K. Tombre, eds. Handbook of Document Image Processing and Recognition. Springer London, 523–551.
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