Jordi Vitria and 6 others. 1999. Real time recognition of pharmaceutical products by subspace methods.
V. Chapaprieta and Ernest Valveny. 2001. Handwritten Digit Recognition Using Point Distribution Models..
Josep Llados. 1996. Interpretacio de dibuixos linials fets a ma alçada mitjançant isomorfisme entre subgrafs i transformacio de Hough.
Josep Llados, Felipe Lumbreras, V. Chapaprieta and J. Queralt. 2001. ICAR: Identity Card Automatic Reader..
Gemma Sanchez and Josep Llados. 2001. A Graph Grammar to Recognize Textured Symbols..
Gemma Sanchez, Josep Llados and K. Tombre. 2001. An Algorithm to Recognize Graphical Textured Symbols using String Representations..
Gemma Sanchez, Josep Llados and K. Tombre. 2001. An Error-Correction Graph Grammar to Recognize Textured Symbols..
Maria Vanrell, Felipe Lumbreras, A. Pujol, Ramon Baldrich, Josep Llados and Juan J. Villanueva. 2001. Colour Normalisation Based on Background Information..
Josep Llados and Enric Marti. 1999. A graph-edit algorithm for hand-drawn graphical document recognition and their automatic introduction into CAD systems..
Robert Benavente, Gemma Sanchez, Ramon Baldrich, Maria Vanrell and Josep Llados. 2000. Normalized colour segmentation for human appearance description. 15 th International Conference on Pattern Recognition.637–641.