Miquel Ferrer, Ernest Valveny, F. Serratosa and Horst Bunke. 2008. Exact Median Graph Computation via Graph Embedding. 12th International Workshop on Structural and Syntactic Pattern Recognition.15–24. (LNCS.)
Jose Antonio Rodriguez, Florent Perronnin, Gemma Sanchez and Josep Llados. 2008. Unsupervised writer style adaptation for handwritten word spotting. Pattern Recognition. 19th International Conference on, IBM Best Student Paper Award..
Alicia Fornes, Josep Llados, Gemma Sanchez and Horst Bunke. 2008. Writer Identification in Old Handwritten Music Scores. Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems,.347–353.
Partha Pratim Roy, Umapada Pal and Josep Llados. 2008. Recognition of Multi-oriented Touching Characters in Graphical Documents. Computer Vision, Graphics & Image Processing, 2008. Sixth Indian Conference on,.297–304.
Muhammad Muzzamil Luqman, Jean-Yves Ramel and Josep Llados. 2012. Improving Fuzzy Multilevel Graph Embedding through Feature Selection Technique. Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition, Joint IAPR International Workshop. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 243–253. (LNCS.)
Abstract: Graphs are the most powerful, expressive and convenient data structures but there is a lack of efficient computational tools and algorithms for processing them. The embedding of graphs into numeric vector spaces permits them to access the state-of-the-art computational efficient statistical models and tools. In this paper we take forward our work on explicit graph embedding and present an improvement to our earlier proposed method, named “fuzzy multilevel graph embedding – FMGE”, through feature selection technique. FMGE achieves the embedding of attributed graphs into low dimensional vector spaces by performing a multilevel analysis of graphs and extracting a set of global, structural and elementary level features. Feature selection permits FMGE to select the subset of most discriminating features and to discard the confusing ones for underlying graph dataset. Experimental results for graph classification experimentation on IAM letter, GREC and fingerprint graph databases, show improvement in the performance of FMGE.
Muhammad Muzzamil Luqman, Thierry Brouard, Jean-Yves Ramel and Josep Llados. 2012. Recherche de sous-graphes par encapsulation floue des cliques d'ordre 2: Application à la localisation de contenu dans les images de documents graphiques. Colloque International Francophone sur l'Écrit et le Document.149–162.
Jose Antonio Rodriguez, Gemma Sanchez and Josep Llados. 2008. Categorization of Digital Ink Elements using Spectral Features. In W. Liu, J.L., J.M. Ogier, ed. Graphics Recognition: Recent Advances and New Opportunities. Springer–Verlag, 188–198. (LNCS.)
Miquel Ferrer, Ernest Valveny and F. Serratosa. 2009. Median graph: A new exact algorithm using a distance based on the maximum common subgraph. PRL, 30(5), 579–588.
Abstract: Median graphs have been presented as a useful tool for capturing the essential information of a set of graphs. Nevertheless, computation of optimal solutions is a very hard problem. In this work we present a new and more efficient optimal algorithm for the median graph computation. With the use of a particular cost function that permits the definition of the graph edit distance in terms of the maximum common subgraph, and a prediction function in the backtracking algorithm, we reduce the size of the search space, avoiding the evaluation of a great amount of states and still obtaining the exact median. We present a set of experiments comparing our new algorithm against the previous existing exact algorithm using synthetic data. In addition, we present the first application of the exact median graph computation to real data and we compare the results against an approximate algorithm based on genetic search. These experimental results show that our algorithm outperforms the previous existing exact algorithm and in addition show the potential applicability of the exact solutions to real problems.
Josep Llados, Dimosthenis Karatzas, Joan Mas and Gemma Sanchez. 2008. A Generic Architecture for the Conversion of Document Collections into Semantically Annotated Digital Archives.
Keywords: Median Graph, Graph Embedding, Graph Matching, Structural Pattern Recognition
Marçal Rusiñol, Josep Llados and Gemma Sanchez. 2010. Symbol Spotting in Vectorized Technical Drawings Through a Lookup Table of Region Strings. PAA, 13(3), 321–331.
Abstract: In this paper, we address the problem of symbol spotting in technical document images applied to scanned and vectorized line drawings. Like any information spotting architecture, our approach has two components. First, symbols are decomposed in primitives which are compactly represented and second a primitive indexing structure aims to efficiently retrieve similar primitives. Primitives are encoded in terms of attributed strings representing closed regions. Similar strings are clustered in a lookup table so that the set median strings act as indexing keys. A voting scheme formulates hypothesis in certain locations of the line drawing image where there is a high presence of regions similar to the queried ones, and therefore, a high probability to find the queried graphical symbol. The proposed approach is illustrated in a framework consisting in spotting furniture symbols in architectural drawings. It has been proved to work even in the presence of noise and distortion introduced by the scanning and raster-to-vector processes.