Ernest Valveny and Philippe Dosch. 2007. A General Framework for the Evaluation of Symbol Recognition Methods.
Oriol Ramos Terrades, Salvatore Tabbone and Ernest Valveny. 2007. Optimal Linear Combination for Two-class Classifiers. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition.
Mathieu Nicolas Delalandre, Ernest Valveny and Josep Llados. 2008. Performance Evaluation of Symbol Recognition and Spotting Systems: An Overview.
Miquel Ferrer, Robert Benavente, Ernest Valveny, J. Garcia, Agata Lapedriza and Gemma Sanchez. 2008. Aprendizaje Cooperativo Aplicado a la Docencia de las Asignaturas de Programacion en Ingenieria Informatica.
Oriol Ramos Terrades, Ernest Valveny and Salvatore Tabbone. 2008. On the Combination of Ridgelets Descriptors for Symbol Recognition. Graphics Recognition: Recent Advances and New Oportunities, W. Lius, J. Llados, J.M. Ogier, LNCS 5046:104–113.
Liu Wenyin, Josep Llados and Jean-Marc Ogier. 2008. Graphics Recognition. Recent Advances and New Opportunities.. (LNCS.)
Robert Benavente, Ernest Valveny, Jaume Garcia, Agata Lapedriza, Miquel Ferrer and Gemma Sanchez. 2008. Una experiencia de adaptacion al EEES de las asignaturas de programacion en Ingenieria Informatica.
Alfons Juan-Ciscar and Gemma Sanchez. 2008. PRIS 2008. Pattern Recognition in Information Systems. Proceedings of the 8th international Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Information systems – PRIS 2008, in conjunction with ICEIS 2008.
Miquel Ferrer, Ernest Valveny, F. Serratosa, K. Riesen and Horst Bunke. 2008. An Approximate Algorith for Median Graph Computation using Graph Embedding. 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition..
Dimosthenis Karatzas, Marçal Rusiñol, Coen Antens and Miquel Ferrer. 2008. Segmentation Robust to the Vignette Effect for Machine Vision Systems. 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition.
Abstract: The vignette effect (radial fall-off) is commonly encountered in images obtained through certain image acquisition setups and can seriously hinder automatic analysis processes. In this paper we present a fast and efficient method for dealing with vignetting in the context of object segmentation in an existing industrial inspection setup. The vignette effect is modelled here as a circular, non-linear gradient. The method estimates the gradient parameters and employs them to perform segmentation. Segmentation results on a variety of images indicate that the presented method is able to successfully tackle the vignette effect.