Farshad Nourbakhsh, Dimosthenis Karatzas and Ernest Valveny. 2010. A polar-based logo representation based on topological and colour features. 9th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems.341–348.
Abstract: In this paper, we propose a novel rotation and scale invariant method for colour logo retrieval and classification, which involves performing a simple colour segmentation and subsequently describing each of the resultant colour components based on a set of topological and colour features. A polar representation is used to represent the logo and the subsequent logo matching is based on Cyclic Dynamic Time Warping (CDTW). We also show how combining information about the global distribution of the logo components and their local neighbourhood using the Delaunay triangulation allows to improve the results. All experiments are performed on a dataset of 2500 instances of 100 colour logo images in different rotations and scales.
Fernando Vilariño. 2019. Library Living Lab, Numérisation 3D des chapiteaux du cloître de Saint-Cugat : des citoyens co- créant le nouveau patrimoine culturel numérique. Intersectorialité et approche Living Labs. Entretiens Jacques-Cartier.
Fernando Vilariño. 2019. Public Libraries Exploring how technology transforms the cultural experience of people. Workshop on Social Impact of AI. Open Living Lab Days Conference..
Fernando Vilariño. 2020. Unveiling the Social Impact of AI. Workshop at Digital Living Lab Days Conference.
Fernando Vilariño. 2019. 3D Scanning of Capitals at Library Living Lab.
Fernando Vilariño and Dimosthenis Karatzas. 2015. The Library Living Lab. Open Living Lab Days.
Fernando Vilariño and Dimosthenis Karatzas. 2016. A Living Lab approach for Citizen Science in Libraries. 1st International ECSA Conference.
Fernando Vilariño, Dimosthenis Karatzas and Alberto Valcarce. 2018. The Library Living Lab Barcelona: A participative approach to technology as an enabling factor for innovation in cultural spaces.
Fernando Vilariño, Dimosthenis Karatzas and Alberto Valcarce. 2018. Libraries as New Innovation Hubs: The Library Living Lab. 30th ISPIM Innovation Conference.
Abstract: Libraries are in deep transformation both in EU and around the world, and they are thriving within a great window of opportunity for innovation. In this paper, we show how the Library Living Lab in Barcelona participated of this changing scenario and contributed to create the Bibliolab program, where more than 200 public libraries give voice to their users in a global user-centric innovation initiative, using technology as enabling factor. The Library Living Lab is a real 4-helix implementation where Universities, Research Centers, Public Administration, Companies and the Neighbors are joint together to explore how technology transforms the cultural experience of people. This case is an example of scalability and provides reference tools for policy making, sustainability, user engage methodologies and governance. We provide specific examples of new prototypes and services that help to understand how to redefine the role of the Library as a real hub for social innovation.
Fernando Vilariño, Dimosthenis Karatzas, Marcos Catalan and Alberto Valcarcel. 2015. An horizon for the Public Library as a place for innovation and creativity. The Library Living Lab in Volpelleres. The White Book on Public Library Network from Diputació de Barcelona.