Miquel Ferrer, Ernest Valveny and F. Serratosa. 2007. Comparison Between two Spectral-based Methods for Median Graph Computation. 3rd Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (IbPRIA 2007), J. Marti et al. (Eds.) LNCS 4478(2):580–587.
Miquel Ferrer, Ernest Valveny and F. Serratosa. 2007. A New Optimal Algorithm for the Generalized Median Graph Computation Based on the Maximum Common Subgraph.
Miquel Ferrer, Ernest Valveny and F. Serratosa. 2009. Median graph: A new exact algorithm using a distance based on the maximum common subgraph. PRL, 30(5), 579–588.
Abstract: Median graphs have been presented as a useful tool for capturing the essential information of a set of graphs. Nevertheless, computation of optimal solutions is a very hard problem. In this work we present a new and more efficient optimal algorithm for the median graph computation. With the use of a particular cost function that permits the definition of the graph edit distance in terms of the maximum common subgraph, and a prediction function in the backtracking algorithm, we reduce the size of the search space, avoiding the evaluation of a great amount of states and still obtaining the exact median. We present a set of experiments comparing our new algorithm against the previous existing exact algorithm using synthetic data. In addition, we present the first application of the exact median graph computation to real data and we compare the results against an approximate algorithm based on genetic search. These experimental results show that our algorithm outperforms the previous existing exact algorithm and in addition show the potential applicability of the exact solutions to real problems.
Miquel Ferrer, Ernest Valveny and F. Serratosa. 2009. Median Graphs: A Genetic Approach based on New Theoretical Properties. PR, 42(9), 2003–2012.
Abstract: Given a set of graphs, the median graph has been theoretically presented as a useful concept to infer a representative of the set. However, the computation of the median graph is a highly complex task and its practical application has been very limited up to now. In this work we present two major contributions. On one side, and from a theoretical point of view, we show new theoretical properties of the median graph. On the other side, using these new properties, we present a new approximate algorithm based on the genetic search, that improves the computation of the median graph. Finally, we perform a set of experiments on real data, where none of the existing algorithms for the median graph computation could be applied up to now due to their computational complexity. With these results, we show how the concept of the median graph can be used in real applications and leaves the box of the only-theoretical concepts, demonstrating, from a practical point of view, that can be a useful tool to represent a set of graphs.
Keywords: Median graph; Genetic search; Maximum common subgraph; Graph matching; Structural pattern recognition
Miquel Ferrer, Ernest Valveny and F. Serratosa. 2009. Median Graph Computation by means of a Genetic Approach Based on Minimum Common Supergraph and Maximum Common Subraph. 4th Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 346–353. (LNCS.)
Abstract: Given a set of graphs, the median graph has been theoretically presented as a useful concept to infer a representative of the set. However, the computation of the median graph is a highly complex task and its practical application has been very limited up to now. In this work we present a new genetic algorithm for the median graph computation. A set of experiments on real data, where none of the existing algorithms for the median graph computation could be applied up to now due to their computational complexity, show that we obtain good approximations of the median graph. Finally, we use the median graph in a real nearest neighbour classification showing that it leaves the box of the only-theoretical concepts and demonstrating, from a practical point of view, that can be a useful tool to represent a set of graphs.
Miquel Ferrer and Ernest Valveny. 2007. Combination of OCR Engines for Page Segmentation based on Performance Evaluation. 9th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition.784–788.
Miquel Ferrer, Dimosthenis Karatzas, Ernest Valveny, I. Bardaji and Horst Bunke. 2011. A Generic Framework for Median Graph Computation based on a Recursive Embedding Approach. CVIU, 115(7), 919–928.
Abstract: The median graph has been shown to be a good choice to obtain a represen- tative of a set of graphs. However, its computation is a complex problem. Recently, graph embedding into vector spaces has been proposed to obtain approximations of the median graph. The problem with such an approach is how to go from a point in the vector space back to a graph in the graph space. The main contribution of this paper is the generalization of this previ- ous method, proposing a generic recursive procedure that permits to recover the graph corresponding to a point in the vector space, introducing only the amount of approximation inherent to the use of graph matching algorithms. In order to evaluate the proposed method, we compare it with the set me- dian and with the other state-of-the-art embedding-based methods for the median graph computation. The experiments are carried out using four dif- ferent databases (one semi-artificial and three containing real-world data). Results show that with the proposed approach we can obtain better medi- ans, in terms of the sum of distances to the training graphs, than with the previous existing methods.
Keywords: Median Graph, Graph Embedding, Graph Matching, Structural Pattern Recognition
Miquel Ferrer, Dimosthenis Karatzas, Ernest Valveny and Horst Bunke. 2009. A Recursive Embedding Approach to Median Graph Computation. 7th IAPR – TC–15 Workshop on Graph–Based Representations in Pattern Recognition. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 113–123. (LNCS.)
Abstract: The median graph has been shown to be a good choice to infer a representative of a set of graphs. It has been successfully applied to graph-based classification and clustering. Nevertheless, its computation is extremely complex. Several approaches have been presented up to now based on different strategies. In this paper we present a new approximate recursive algorithm for median graph computation based on graph embedding into vector spaces. Preliminary experiments on three databases show that this new approach is able to obtain better medians than the previous existing approaches.
Minesh Mathew, Viraj Bagal, Ruben Tito, Dimosthenis Karatzas, Ernest Valveny and C.V. Jawahar. 2022. InfographicVQA. Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision.1697–1706.
Abstract: Infographics communicate information using a combination of textual, graphical and visual elements. This work explores the automatic understanding of infographic images by using a Visual Question Answering technique. To this end, we present InfographicVQA, a new dataset comprising a diverse collection of infographics and question-answer annotations. The questions require methods that jointly reason over the document layout, textual content, graphical elements, and data visualizations. We curate the dataset with an emphasis on questions that require elementary reasoning and basic arithmetic skills. For VQA on the dataset, we evaluate two Transformer-based strong baselines. Both the baselines yield unsatisfactory results compared to near perfect human performance on the dataset. The results suggest that VQA on infographics--images that are designed to communicate information quickly and clearly to human brain--is ideal for benchmarking machine understanding of complex document images. The dataset is available for download at docvqa. org
Keywords: Document Analysis Datasets; Evaluation and Comparison of Vision Algorithms; Vision and Languages
Minesh Mathew, Ruben Tito, Dimosthenis Karatzas, R.Manmatha and C.V. Jawahar. 2020. Document Visual Question Answering Challenge 2020. 33rd IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition – Short paper.
Abstract: This paper presents results of Document Visual Question Answering Challenge organized as part of “Text and Documents in the Deep Learning Era” workshop, in CVPR 2020. The challenge introduces a new problem – Visual Question Answering on document images. The challenge comprised two tasks. The first task concerns with asking questions on a single document image. On the other hand, the second task is set as a retrieval task where the question is posed over a collection of images. For the task 1 a new dataset is introduced comprising 50,000 questions-answer(s) pairs defined over 12,767 document images. For task 2 another dataset has been created comprising 20 questions over 14,362 document images which share the same document template.