Miquel Ferrer, F. Serratosa and Ernest Valveny. 2007. On the Relation Between the Median Graph and the Maximum Common Subgraph of a Set of Graphs.
W. Liu and Josep Llados. 2006. Graphics Recognition. Ten Years Review and Future Perspectives. (LNCS.)
Ernest Valveny and 11 others. 2006. A general framework for the evaluation of symbol recognition methods.
Partha Pratim Roy, Josep Llados and Umapada Pal. 2007. Text/Graphics Separation in Color Maps. International Conference on Computing: Theory and Applications.545–551.
Josep Llados, W. Liu and Jean-Marc Ogier. 2007. Seventh IAPR International Workshop on Graphics Recognition GREC 2007.
Partha Pratim Roy, Eduard Vazquez, Josep Llados, Ramon Baldrich and Umapada Pal. 2007. A System to Retrieve Text/Symbols from Color Maps using Connected Component and Skeleton Analysis. In J. Llados, W.L., J.M. Ogier, ed. Seventh IAPR International Workshop on Graphics Recognition.79–78.
Miquel Ferrer and Ernest Valveny. 2007. Combination of OCR Engines for Page Segmentation based on Performance Evaluation. 9th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition.784–788.
Miquel Ferrer, Ernest Valveny and F. Serratosa. 2007. A New Optimal Algorithm for the Generalized Median Graph Computation Based on the Maximum Common Subgraph.
Mathieu Nicolas Delalandre, Tony Pridmore, Ernest Valveny, Eric Trupin and Herve Locteau. 2007. Building Synthetic Graphical Documents for Performance Evaluation. Seventh IAPR International Workshop on Graphics Recognition.84–87.
Mathieu Nicolas Delalandre, Jean-Marc Ogier and Josep Llados. 2007. A Fast System for the Retrieval of Ornamental Letter Image. Seventh IAPR International Workshop on Graphics Recognition.51–54.