Gemma Sanchez, Josep Llados and K. Tombre. 2001. An Error-Correction Graph Grammar to Recognize Textured Symbols..
Miquel Ferrer, Ernest Valveny and F. Serratosa. 2006. Spectral Median Graphs Applied to Graphical Symbol Recognition. 11th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition (CIARP´06), J.P. Martinez–Trinidad et al. (Eds.), LNCS 4225: 774–783.
Dena Bazazian, Raul Gomez, Anguelos Nicolaou, Lluis Gomez, Dimosthenis Karatzas and Andrew Bagdanov. 2016. Improving Text Proposals for Scene Images with Fully Convolutional Networks. 23rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition Workshops.
Abstract: Text Proposals have emerged as a class-dependent version of object proposals – efficient approaches to reduce the search space of possible text object locations in an image. Combined with strong word classifiers, text proposals currently yield top state of the art results in end-to-end scene text
recognition. In this paper we propose an improvement over the original Text Proposals algorithm of [1], combining it with Fully Convolutional Networks to improve the ranking of proposals. Results on the ICDAR RRC and the COCO-text datasets show superior performance over current state-of-the-art.
Anjan Dutta, Umapada Pal and Josep Llados. 2016. Compact Correlated Features for Writer Independent Signature Verification. 23rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition.
Abstract: This paper considers the offline signature verification problem which is considered to be an important research line in the field of pattern recognition. In this work we propose hybrid features that consider the local features and their global statistics in the signature image. This has been done by creating a vocabulary of histogram of oriented gradients (HOGs). We impose weights on these local features based on the height information of water reservoirs obtained from the signature. Spatial information between local features are thought to play a vital role in considering the geometry of the signatures which distinguishes the originals from the forged ones. Nevertheless, learning a condensed set of higher order neighbouring features based on visual words, e.g., doublets and triplets, continues to be a challenging problem as possible combinations of visual words grow exponentially. To avoid this explosion of size, we create a code of local pairwise features which are represented as joint descriptors. Local features are paired based on the edges of a graph representation built upon the Delaunay triangulation. We reveal the advantage of combining both type of visual codebooks (order one and pairwise) for signature verification task. This is validated through an encouraging result on two benchmark datasets viz. CEDAR and GPDS300.
Marçal Rusiñol, Lluis Gomez, A. Landman, M. Silva Constenla and Dimosthenis Karatzas. 2019. Automatic Structured Text Reading for License Plates and Utility Meters. BMVC Workshop on Visual Artificial Intelligence and Entrepreneurship.
Abstract: Reading text in images has attracted interest from computer vision researchers for
many years. Our technology focuses on the extraction of structured text – such as serial
numbers, machine readings, product codes, etc. – so that it is able to center its attention just on the relevant textual elements. It is conceived to work in an end-to-end fashion, bypassing any explicit text segmentation stage. In this paper we present two different industrial use cases where we have applied our automatic structured text reading technology. In the first one, we demonstrate an outstanding performance when reading license plates compared to the current state of the art. In the second one, we present results on our solution for reading utility meters. The technology is commercialized by a recently created spin-off company, and both solutions are at different stages of integration with final clients.
David Fernandez, Pau Riba, Alicia Fornes and Josep Llados. 2014. On the Influence of Key Point Encoding for Handwritten Word Spotting. 14th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition.476–481.
Abstract: In this paper we evaluate the influence of the selection of key points and the associated features in the performance of word spotting processes. In general, features can be extracted from a number of characteristic points like corners, contours, skeletons, maxima, minima, crossings, etc. A number of descriptors exist in the literature using different interest point detectors. But the intrinsic variability of handwriting vary strongly on the performance if the interest points are not stable enough. In this paper, we analyze the performance of different descriptors for local interest points. As benchmarking dataset we have used the Barcelona Marriage Database that contains handwritten records of marriages over five centuries.
Keywords: Local descriptors; Interest points; Handwritten documents; Word spotting; Historical document analysis
David Fernandez, Jon Almazan, Nuria Cirera, Alicia Fornes and Josep Llados. 2014. BH2M: the Barcelona Historical Handwritten Marriages database. 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition.256–261.
Abstract: This paper presents an image database of historical handwritten marriages records stored in the archives of Barcelona cathedral, and the corresponding meta-data addressed to evaluate the performance of document analysis algorithms. The contribution of this paper is twofold. First, it presents a complete ground truth which covers the whole pipeline of handwriting
recognition research, from layout analysis to recognition and understanding. Second, it is the first dataset in the emerging area of genealogical document analysis, where documents are manuscripts pseudo-structured with specific lexicons and the interest is beyond pure transcriptions but context dependent.
Pau Riba, Jon Almazan, Alicia Fornes, David Fernandez, Ernest Valveny and Josep Llados. 2014. e-Crowds: a mobile platform for browsing and searching in historical demographyrelated manuscripts. 14th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition.228–233.
Abstract: This paper presents a prototype system running on portable devices for browsing and word searching through historical handwritten document collections. The platform adapts the paradigm of eBook reading, where the narrative is not necessarily sequential, but centered on the user actions. The novelty is to replace digitally born books by digitized historical manuscripts of marriage licenses, so document analysis tasks are required in the browser. With an active reading paradigm, the user can cast queries of people names, so he/she can implicitly follow genealogical links. In addition, the system allows combined searches: the user can refine a search by adding more words to search. As a second contribution, the retrieval functionality involves as a core technology a word spotting module with an unified approach, which allows combined query searches, and also two input modalities: query-by-example, and query-by-string.
Partha Pratim Roy, Eduard Vazquez, Josep Llados, Ramon Baldrich and Umapada Pal. 2007. A System to Retrieve Text/Symbols from Color Maps using Connected Component and Skeleton Analysis. In J. Llados, W.L., J.M. Ogier, ed. Seventh IAPR International Workshop on Graphics Recognition.79–78.
Mathieu Nicolas Delalandre, Tony Pridmore, Ernest Valveny, Eric Trupin and Herve Locteau. 2007. Building Synthetic Graphical Documents for Performance Evaluation. Seventh IAPR International Workshop on Graphics Recognition.84–87.