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Gemma Sanchez, Josep Llados and K. Tombre. 2001. An Error-Correction Graph Grammar to Recognize Textured Symbols..
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Miquel Ferrer, Ernest Valveny and F. Serratosa. 2006. Spectral Median Graphs Applied to Graphical Symbol Recognition. 11th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition (CIARP´06), J.P. Martinez–Trinidad et al. (Eds.), LNCS 4225: 774–783.
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Dena Bazazian, Raul Gomez, Anguelos Nicolaou, Lluis Gomez, Dimosthenis Karatzas and Andrew Bagdanov. 2016. Improving Text Proposals for Scene Images with Fully Convolutional Networks. 23rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition Workshops.
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Anjan Dutta, Umapada Pal and Josep Llados. 2016. Compact Correlated Features for Writer Independent Signature Verification. 23rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition.
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Marçal Rusiñol, Lluis Gomez, A. Landman, M. Silva Constenla and Dimosthenis Karatzas. 2019. Automatic Structured Text Reading for License Plates and Utility Meters. BMVC Workshop on Visual Artificial Intelligence and Entrepreneurship.
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David Fernandez, Pau Riba, Alicia Fornes and Josep Llados. 2014. On the Influence of Key Point Encoding for Handwritten Word Spotting. 14th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition.476–481.
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David Fernandez, Jon Almazan, Nuria Cirera, Alicia Fornes and Josep Llados. 2014. BH2M: the Barcelona Historical Handwritten Marriages database. 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition.256–261.
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Pau Riba, Jon Almazan, Alicia Fornes, David Fernandez, Ernest Valveny and Josep Llados. 2014. e-Crowds: a mobile platform for browsing and searching in historical demographyrelated manuscripts. 14th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition.228–233.
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Partha Pratim Roy, Eduard Vazquez, Josep Llados, Ramon Baldrich and Umapada Pal. 2007. A System to Retrieve Text/Symbols from Color Maps using Connected Component and Skeleton Analysis. In J. Llados, W.L., J.M. Ogier, ed. Seventh IAPR International Workshop on Graphics Recognition.79–78.
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Mathieu Nicolas Delalandre, Tony Pridmore, Ernest Valveny, Eric Trupin and Herve Locteau. 2007. Building Synthetic Graphical Documents for Performance Evaluation. Seventh IAPR International Workshop on Graphics Recognition.84–87.
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