2021 |
Sanket Biswas, Pau Riba, Josep Llados, & Umapada Pal. (2021). Beyond Document Object Detection: Instance-Level Segmentation of Complex Layouts. IJDAR - International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition, 24, 269–281.
Abstract: Information extraction is a fundamental task of many business intelligence services that entail massive document processing. Understanding a document page structure in terms of its layout provides contextual support which is helpful in the semantic interpretation of the document terms. In this paper, inspired by the progress of deep learning methodologies applied to the task of object recognition, we transfer these models to the specific case of document object detection, reformulating the traditional problem of document layout analysis. Moreover, we importantly contribute to prior arts by defining the task of instance segmentation on the document image domain. An instance segmentation paradigm is especially important in complex layouts whose contents should interact for the proper rendering of the page, i.e., the proper text wrapping around an image. Finally, we provide an extensive evaluation, both qualitative and quantitative, that demonstrates the superior performance of the proposed methodology over the current state of the art.
2020 |
Anjan Dutta, Pau Riba, Josep Llados, & Alicia Fornes. (2020). Hierarchical Stochastic Graphlet Embedding for Graph-based Pattern Recognition. NEUCOMA - Neural Computing and Applications, 32, 11579–11596.
Abstract: Despite being very successful within the pattern recognition and machine learning community, graph-based methods are often unusable because of the lack of mathematical operations defined in graph domain. Graph embedding, which maps graphs to a vectorial space, has been proposed as a way to tackle these difficulties enabling the use of standard machine learning techniques. However, it is well known that graph embedding functions usually suffer from the loss of structural information. In this paper, we consider the hierarchical structure of a graph as a way to mitigate this loss of information. The hierarchical structure is constructed by topologically clustering the graph nodes and considering each cluster as a node in the upper hierarchical level. Once this hierarchical structure is constructed, we consider several configurations to define the mapping into a vector space given a classical graph embedding, in particular, we propose to make use of the stochastic graphlet embedding (SGE). Broadly speaking, SGE produces a distribution of uniformly sampled low-to-high-order graphlets as a way to embed graphs into the vector space. In what follows, the coarse-to-fine structure of a graph hierarchy and the statistics fetched by the SGE complements each other and includes important structural information with varied contexts. Altogether, these two techniques substantially cope with the usual information loss involved in graph embedding techniques, obtaining a more robust graph representation. This fact has been corroborated through a detailed experimental evaluation on various benchmark graph datasets, where we outperform the state-of-the-art methods.
B. Gautam, Oriol Ramos Terrades, Joana Maria Pujadas-Mora, & Miquel Valls-Figols. (2020). Knowledge graph based methods for record linkage. PRL - Pattern Recognition Letters, 136, 127–133.
Abstract: Nowadays, it is common in Historical Demography the use of individual-level data as a consequence of a predominant life-course approach for the understanding of the demographic behaviour, family transition, mobility, etc. Advanced record linkage is key since it allows increasing the data complexity and its volume to be analyzed. However, current methods are constrained to link data from the same kind of sources. Knowledge graph are flexible semantic representations, which allow to encode data variability and semantic relations in a structured manner.
In this paper we propose the use of knowledge graph methods to tackle record linkage tasks. The proposed method, named WERL, takes advantage of the main knowledge graph properties and learns embedding vectors to encode census information. These embeddings are properly weighted to maximize the record linkage performance. We have evaluated this method on benchmark data sets and we have compared it to related methods with stimulating and satisfactory results.
Beata Megyesi, Bernhard Esslinger, Alicia Fornes, Nils Kopal, Benedek Lang, George Lasry, et al. (2020). Decryption of historical manuscripts: the DECRYPT project. CRYPT - Cryptologia, 44(6), 545–559.
Abstract: Many historians and linguists are working individually and in an uncoordinated fashion on the identification and decryption of historical ciphers. This is a time-consuming process as they often work without access to automatic methods and processes that can accelerate the decipherment. At the same time, computer scientists and cryptologists are developing algorithms to decrypt various cipher types without having access to a large number of original ciphertexts. In this paper, we describe the DECRYPT project aiming at the creation of resources and tools for historical cryptology by bringing the expertise of various disciplines together for collecting data, exchanging methods for faster progress to transcribe, decrypt and contextualize historical encrypted manuscripts. We present our goals and work-in progress of a general approach for analyzing historical encrypted manuscripts using standardized methods and a new set of state-of-the-art tools. We release the data and tools as open-source hoping that all mentioned disciplines would benefit and contribute to the research infrastructure of historical cryptology.
Keywords: automatic decryption; cipher collection; historical cryptology; image transcription
Manuel Carbonell, Alicia Fornes, Mauricio Villegas, & Josep Llados. (2020). A Neural Model for Text Localization, Transcription and Named Entity Recognition in Full Pages. PRL - Pattern Recognition Letters, 136, 219–227.
Abstract: In the last years, the consolidation of deep neural network architectures for information extraction in document images has brought big improvements in the performance of each of the tasks involved in this process, consisting of text localization, transcription, and named entity recognition. However, this process is traditionally performed with separate methods for each task. In this work we propose an end-to-end model that combines a one stage object detection network with branches for the recognition of text and named entities respectively in a way that shared features can be learned simultaneously from the training error of each of the tasks. By doing so the model jointly performs handwritten text detection, transcription, and named entity recognition at page level with a single feed forward step. We exhaustively evaluate our approach on different datasets, discussing its advantages and limitations compared to sequential approaches. The results show that the model is capable of benefiting from shared features by simultaneously solving interdependent tasks.