Marçal Rusiñol, David Aldavert, Ricardo Toledo, & Josep Llados. (2015). Efficient segmentation-free keyword spotting in historical document collections. PR - Pattern Recognition, 48(2), 545–555.
Abstract: In this paper we present an efficient segmentation-free word spotting method, applied in the context of historical document collections, that follows the query-by-example paradigm. We use a patch-based framework where local patches are described by a bag-of-visual-words model powered by SIFT descriptors. By projecting the patch descriptors to a topic space with the latent semantic analysis technique and compressing the descriptors with the product quantization method, we are able to efficiently index the document information both in terms of memory and time. The proposed method is evaluated using four different collections of historical documents achieving good performances on both handwritten and typewritten scenarios. The yielded performances outperform the recent state-of-the-art keyword spotting approaches.
Keywords: Historical documents; Keyword spotting; Segmentation-free; Dense SIFT features; Latent semantic analysis; Product quantization
Beata Megyesi, Bernhard Esslinger, Alicia Fornes, Nils Kopal, Benedek Lang, George Lasry, et al. (2020). Decryption of historical manuscripts: the DECRYPT project. CRYPT - Cryptologia, 44(6), 545–559.
Abstract: Many historians and linguists are working individually and in an uncoordinated fashion on the identification and decryption of historical ciphers. This is a time-consuming process as they often work without access to automatic methods and processes that can accelerate the decipherment. At the same time, computer scientists and cryptologists are developing algorithms to decrypt various cipher types without having access to a large number of original ciphertexts. In this paper, we describe the DECRYPT project aiming at the creation of resources and tools for historical cryptology by bringing the expertise of various disciplines together for collecting data, exchanging methods for faster progress to transcribe, decrypt and contextualize historical encrypted manuscripts. We present our goals and work-in progress of a general approach for analyzing historical encrypted manuscripts using standardized methods and a new set of state-of-the-art tools. We release the data and tools as open-source hoping that all mentioned disciplines would benefit and contribute to the research infrastructure of historical cryptology.
Keywords: automatic decryption; cipher collection; historical cryptology; image transcription
Palaiahnakote Shivakumara, Anjan Dutta, Chew Lim Tan, & Umapada Pal. (2014). Multi-oriented scene text detection in video based on wavelet and angle projection boundary growing. MTAP - Multimedia Tools and Applications, 72(1), 515–539.
Abstract: In this paper, we address two complex issues: 1) Text frame classification and 2) Multi-oriented text detection in video text frame. We first divide a video frame into 16 blocks and propose a combination of wavelet and median-moments with k-means clustering at the block level to identify probable text blocks. For each probable text block, the method applies the same combination of feature with k-means clustering over a sliding window running through the blocks to identify potential text candidates. We introduce a new idea of symmetry on text candidates in each block based on the observation that pixel distribution in text exhibits a symmetric pattern. The method integrates all blocks containing text candidates in the frame and then all text candidates are mapped on to a Sobel edge map of the original frame to obtain text representatives. To tackle the multi-orientation problem, we present a new method called Angle Projection Boundary Growing (APBG) which is an iterative algorithm and works based on a nearest neighbor concept. APBG is then applied on the text representatives to fix the bounding box for multi-oriented text lines in the video frame. Directional information is used to eliminate false positives. Experimental results on a variety of datasets such as non-horizontal, horizontal, publicly available data (Hua’s data) and ICDAR-03 competition data (camera images) show that the proposed method outperforms existing methods proposed for video and the state of the art methods for scene text as well.
Katerine Diaz, Jesus Martinez del Rincon, Aura Hernandez-Sabate, Marçal Rusiñol, & Francesc J. Ferri. (2018). Fast Kernel Generalized Discriminative Common Vectors for Feature Extraction. JMIV - Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 60(4), 512–524.
Abstract: This paper presents a supervised subspace learning method called Kernel Generalized Discriminative Common Vectors (KGDCV), as a novel extension of the known Discriminative Common Vectors method with Kernels. Our method combines the advantages of kernel methods to model complex data and solve nonlinear
problems with moderate computational complexity, with the better generalization properties of generalized approaches for large dimensional data. These attractive combination makes KGDCV specially suited for feature extraction and classification in computer vision, image processing and pattern recognition applications. Two different approaches to this generalization are proposed, a first one based on the kernel trick (KT) and a second one based on the nonlinear projection trick (NPT) for even higher efficiency. Both methodologies
have been validated on four different image datasets containing faces, objects and handwritten digits, and compared against well known non-linear state-of-art methods. Results show better discriminant properties than other generalized approaches both linear or kernel. In addition, the KGDCV-NPT approach presents a considerable computational gain, without compromising the accuracy of the model.
Sergio Escalera, Alicia Fornes, Oriol Pujol, Josep Llados, & Petia Radeva. (2011). Circular Blurred Shape Model for Multiclass Symbol Recognition. TSMCB - IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (Part B) (IEEE), 41(2), 497–506.
Abstract: In this paper, we propose a circular blurred shape model descriptor to deal with the problem of symbol detection and classification as a particular case of object recognition. The feature extraction is performed by capturing the spatial arrangement of significant object characteristics in a correlogram structure. The shape information from objects is shared among correlogram regions, where a prior blurring degree defines the level of distortion allowed in the symbol, making the descriptor tolerant to irregular deformations. Moreover, the descriptor is rotation invariant by definition. We validate the effectiveness of the proposed descriptor in both the multiclass symbol recognition and symbol detection domains. In order to perform the symbol detection, the descriptors are learned using a cascade of classifiers. In the case of multiclass categorization, the new feature space is learned using a set of binary classifiers which are embedded in an error-correcting output code design. The results over four symbol data sets show the significant improvements of the proposed descriptor compared to the state-of-the-art descriptors. In particular, the results are even more significant in those cases where the symbols suffer from elastic deformations.