Fernando Vilariño, & Enric Marti. (2008)." New didactic techniques in the EHES applying mobile technologies" .
Pau Cano, Alvaro Caravaca, Debora Gil, & Eva Musulen. (2023). "Diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori using AutoEncoders for the Detection of Anomalous Staining Patterns in Immunohistochemistry Images ".
Abstract: This work addresses the detection of Helicobacter pylori a bacterium classified since 1994 as class 1 carcinogen to humans. By its highest specificity and sensitivity, the preferred diagnosis technique is the analysis of histological images with immunohistochemical staining, a process in which certain stained antibodies bind to antigens of the biological element of interest. This analysis is a time demanding task, which is currently done by an expert pathologist that visually inspects the digitized samples.
We propose to use autoencoders to learn latent patterns of healthy tissue and detect H. pylori as an anomaly in image staining. Unlike existing classification approaches, an autoencoder is able to learn patterns in an unsupervised manner (without the need of image annotations) with high performance. In particular, our model has an overall 91% of accuracy with 86\% sensitivity, 96% specificity and 0.97 AUC in the detection of H. pylori.
Debora Gil, Katerine Diaz, Carles Sanchez, & Aura Hernandez-Sabate. (2020). "Early Screening of SARS-CoV-2 by Intelligent Analysis of X-Ray Images ".
Abstract: Future SARS-CoV-2 virus outbreak COVID-XX might possibly occur during the next years. However the pathology in humans is so recent that many clinical aspects, like early detection of complications, side effects after recovery or early screening, are currently unknown. In spite of the number of cases of COVID-19, its rapid spread putting many sanitary systems in the edge of collapse has hindered proper collection and analysis of the data related to COVID-19 clinical aspects. We describe an interdisciplinary initiative that integrates clinical research, with image diagnostics and the use of new technologies such as artificial intelligence and radiomics with the aim of clarifying some of SARS-CoV-2 open questions. The whole initiative addresses 3 main points: 1) collection of standardize data including images, clinical data and analytics; 2) COVID-19 screening for its early diagnosis at primary care centers; 3) define radiomic signatures of COVID-19 evolution and associated pathologies for the early treatment of complications. In particular, in this paper we present a general overview of the project, the experimental design and first results of X-ray COVID-19 detection using a classic approach based on HoG and feature selection. Our experiments include a comparison to some recent methods for COVID-19 screening in X-Ray and an exploratory analysis of the feasibility of X-Ray COVID-19 screening. Results show that classic approaches can outperform deep-learning methods in this experimental setting, indicate the feasibility of early COVID-19 screening and that non-COVID infiltration is the group of patients most similar to COVID-19 in terms of radiological description of X-ray. Therefore, an efficient COVID-19 screening should be complemented with other clinical data to better discriminate these cases.
Oriol Ramos Terrades, Albert Berenguel, & Debora Gil. (2020). "A flexible outlier detector based on a topology given by graph communities ".
Abstract: Outlier, or anomaly, detection is essential for optimal performance of machine learning methods and statistical predictive models. It is not just a technical step in a data cleaning process but a key topic in many fields such as fraudulent document detection, in medical applications and assisted diagnosis systems or detecting security threats. In contrast to population-based methods, neighborhood based local approaches are simple flexible methods that have the potential to perform well in small sample size unbalanced problems. However, a main concern of local approaches is the impact that the computation of each sample neighborhood has on the method performance. Most approaches use a distance in the feature space to define a single neighborhood that requires careful selection of several parameters. This work presents a local approach based on a local measure of the heterogeneity of sample labels in the feature space considered as a topological manifold. Topology is computed using the communities of a weighted graph codifying mutual nearest neighbors in the feature space. This way, we provide with a set of multiple neighborhoods able to describe the structure of complex spaces without parameter fine tuning. The extensive experiments on real-world data sets show that our approach overall outperforms, both, local and global strategies in multi and single view settings.
Enric Marti, J. Rocarias, Petia Radeva, H. Tizon, & Jordi Vitria. (2007)." Caronte. Un gestor documental para asignaturas de universidad en el EEES" .
Enric Marti, Debora Gil, & Carme Julia. (2008)." Experiencia d aplicació de la metodología d aprenentatge per proyectes en assignatures d Enginyeria Informàtica per a una millor adaptació als crèdits ECTS i EEES" (IDES-UAB, & E. A. M.Enric Martinez, Eds.) (Vol. 1). UAB.
Albert Andaluz, Francesc Carreras, Debora Gil, & Jaume Garcia. (2010). "Una aplicació amigable pel càlcul de indicadors clínics del ventricle esquerre ". Barcelona: Biocat.
Enric Marti, Jaume Rocarias, Debora Gil, Aura Hernandez-Sabate, Jaume Garcia, Carme Julia, et al. (2009). "Uso de recursos virtuales en Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos. Una experiencia en la asignatura de Gráficos por Computador ". Vigo (Spain).
Abstract: Presentamos una experiencia en Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (ABP) realizada los últimos cuatro años en Gráficos por Computador 2, asignatura de Ingeniería Informática, de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería (ETSE) de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB). Utilizamos un entorno Moodle adaptado por nosotros llamado Caronte para poder gestionar la documentación generada en ABP. Primero se presenta la asignatura, basada en dos itinerarios para cursarla: ABP y TPPE (Teoría, Problemas, Prácticas, Examen). El alumno debe escoger uno de ellos. Ambos itinerarios generan una cantidad importante de documentación (entregas de trabajos y prácticas, correcciones, ejercicios, etc.) a gestionar. En la comunicación presentamos los espacios electrónicos Moodle de ambos itinerarios. Finalmente, mostramos los resultados de encuestas realizadas a los alumnos para finalmente exponer las conclusiones de la experiencia en ABP y el uso de Moodle, así como plantear mejoras y temas de discusión.
Keywords: Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos; Project Based Learning; Aprendizaje Cooperativo; Recursos Virtuales para el Aprendizaje Cooperativo; Moodle
Elena Valderrama, Joan Oliver, Josep Maria-Basart, Enric Marti, Petia Radeva, Ricardo Toledo, et al. (2005)." Convergencia al EEES de la ingeniería informática. Título de Grado en tecnología (Informática)" .
Abstract: Elena Valderrama
Enric Marti, Debora Gil, & Carme Julia. (2005). "Una experiència en PBL per a la docència de Gràfics per Computador ".
Abstract: En aquest article es presenta una experiència en ABP feta el curs 2004-05 en Gràfics per Computador 2, assignatura optativa de 3er curs d’Enginyeria Informàtica impartida a l’ETSE. En l’article s’explica l’organització docent abans d’ABP, basada en classes magistrals. Després es mostra l’organització en ABP i es quantifica en ECTS l’esforç de l’alumne en ambdues organitzacions. Essent conscient del diferent interès de l’alumnat per l’assignatura, se’ls hi ofereix dos itineraris: el de classes magistrals i d’ABP. Es mostren alguns resultats dels alumnes d’ABP i també les primeres enquestes realitzades als alumnes. S’exposen les conclusions en el primer any de l’experiència, plantejant temes de discussió. S’ha procurat que la proposta no desbordi l’esforç del professorat. Per això s’ofereix el doble itinerari, per a canalitzar per ABP els alumnes més interessats i permetre a la resta que realitzin el curs amb l’organització clàsica de l’assignatura: classes magistrals de teoria, problemes i pràctiques.
Keywords: Aprenentatge Basat en Projectes; Aprenentatge Basat en Problemes; Problem Based Learning; ECTS; EEES; Computer Graphics; OpenGL.