Carles Sanchez, Jorge Bernal, Debora Gil, & F. Javier Sanchez. (2013). "On-line lumen centre detection in gastrointestinal and respiratory endoscopy " In Klaus Miguel Angel and Drechsler Stefan and González Ballester Raj and Wesarg Cristina and Shekhar Marius George and Oyarzun Laura M. and L. Erdt (Ed.), Second International Workshop Clinical Image-Based Procedures (Vol. 8361, pp. 31–38). Springer International Publishing.
Abstract: We present in this paper a novel lumen centre detection for gastrointestinal and respiratory endoscopic images. The proposed method is based on the appearance and geometry of the lumen, which we defined as the darkest image region which centre is a hub of image gradients. Experimental results validated on the first public annotated gastro-respiratory database prove the reliability of the method for a wide range of images (with precision over 95 %).
Keywords: Lumen centre detection; Bronchoscopy; Colonoscopy
Mireia Sole, Joan Blanco, Debora Gil, Oliver Valero, G. Fonseka, M. Lawrie, et al. (2017). "Chromosome Territories in Mice Spermatogenesis: A new three-dimensional methodology of study " In 11th European CytoGenesis Conference.
Mireia Sole, Joan Blanco, Debora Gil, G. Fonseka, Richard Frodsham, Oliver Valero, et al. (2017)." Unraveling the enigmas of chromosome territoriality during spermatogenesis" In IX Jornada del Departament de Biologia Cel•lular, Fisiologia i Immunologia.
Carles Sanchez, Jorge Bernal, F. Javier Sanchez, Marta Diez-Ferrer, Antoni Rosell, & Debora Gil. (2015)." Towards On-line Quantification of Tracheal Stenosis from Videobronchoscopy" In 6th International Conference on Information Processing in Computer-Assisted Interventions IPCAI2015 (Vol. 10, pp. 935–945).
Abstract: PURPOSE:
Lack of objective measurement of tracheal obstruction degree has a negative impact on the chosen treatment prone to lead to unnecessary repeated explorations and other scanners. Accurate computation of tracheal stenosis in videobronchoscopy would constitute a breakthrough for this noninvasive technique and a reduction in operation cost for the public health service.
Stenosis calculation is based on the comparison of the region delimited by the lumen in an obstructed frame and the region delimited by the first visible ring in a healthy frame. We propose a parametric strategy for the extraction of lumen and tracheal ring regions based on models of their geometry and appearance that guide a deformable model. To ensure a systematic applicability, we present a statistical framework to choose optimal parametric values and a strategy to choose the frames that minimize the impact of scope optical distortion.
Our method has been tested in 40 cases covering different stenosed tracheas. Experiments report a non- clinically relevant [Formula: see text] of discrepancy in the calculated stenotic area and a computational time allowing online implementation in the operating room.
Our methodology allows reliable measurements of airway narrowing in the operating room. To fully assess its clinical impact, a prospective clinical trial should be done.
Carles Sanchez, Antonio Esteban Lansaque, Agnes Borras, Marta Diez-Ferrer, Antoni Rosell, & Debora Gil. (2017). "Towards a Videobronchoscopy Localization System from Airway Centre Tracking " In 12th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (pp. 352–359).
Abstract: Bronchoscopists use fluoroscopy to guide flexible bronchoscopy to the lesion to be biopsied without any kind of incision. Being fluoroscopy an imaging technique based on X-rays, the risk of developmental problems and cancer is increased in those subjects exposed to its application, so minimizing radiation is crucial. Alternative guiding systems such as electromagnetic navigation require specific equipment, increase the cost of the clinical procedure and still require fluoroscopy. In this paper we propose an image based guiding system based on the extraction of airway centres from intra-operative videos. Such anatomical landmarks are matched to the airway centreline extracted from a pre-planned CT to indicate the best path to the nodule. We present a
feasibility study of our navigation system using simulated bronchoscopic videos and a multi-expert validation of landmarks extraction in 3 intra-operative ultrathin explorations.
Keywords: Video-bronchoscopy; Lung cancer diagnosis; Airway lumen detection; Region tracking; Guided bronchoscopy navigation
Carles Sanchez, Debora Gil, Jorge Bernal, F. Javier Sanchez, Marta Diez-Ferrer, & Antoni Rosell. (2016). "Navigation Path Retrieval from Videobronchoscopy using Bronchial Branches " In 19th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention Workshops (Vol. 9401, pp. 62–70).
Abstract: Bronchoscopy biopsy can be used to diagnose lung cancer without risking complications of other interventions like transthoracic needle aspiration. During bronchoscopy, the clinician has to navigate through the bronchial tree to the target lesion. A main drawback is the difficulty to check whether the exploration is following the correct path. The usual guidance using fluoroscopy implies repeated radiation of the clinician, while alternative systems (like electromagnetic navigation) require specific equipment that increases intervention costs. We propose to compute the navigated path using anatomical landmarks extracted from the sole analysis of videobronchoscopy images. Such landmarks allow matching the current exploration to the path previously planned on a CT to indicate clinician whether the planning is being correctly followed or not. We present a feasibility study of our landmark based CT-video matching using bronchoscopic videos simulated on a virtual bronchoscopy interactive interface.
Keywords: Bronchoscopy navigation; Lumen center; Brochial branches; Navigation path; Videobronchoscopy
Carles Sanchez, Debora Gil, T. Gache, N. Koufos, Marta Diez-Ferrer, & Antoni Rosell. (2016). "SENSA: a System for Endoscopic Stenosis Assessment " In 28th Conference of the international Society for Medical Innovation and Technology.
Abstract: Documenting the severity of a static or dynamic Central Airway Obstruction (CAO) is crucial to establish proper diagnosis and treatment, predict possible treatment effects and better follow-up the patients. The subjective visual evaluation of a stenosis during video-bronchoscopy still remains the most common way to assess a CAO in spite of a consensus among experts for a need to standardize all calculations [1].
The Computer Vision Center in cooperation with the «Hospital de Bellvitge», has developed a System for Endoscopic Stenosis Assessment (SENSA), which computes CAO directly by analyzing standard bronchoscopic data without the need of using other imaging tecnologies.
Carles Sanchez, Miguel Viñas, Coen Antens, Agnes Borras, & Debora Gil. (2018). "Back to Front Architecture for Diagnosis as a Service " In 20th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing (pp. 343–346).
Abstract: Software as a Service (SaaS) is a cloud computing model in which a provider hosts applications in a server that customers use via internet. Since SaaS does not require to install applications on customers' own computers, it allows the use by multiple users of highly specialized software without extra expenses for hardware acquisition or licensing. A SaaS tailored for clinical needs not only would alleviate licensing costs, but also would facilitate easy access to new methods for diagnosis assistance. This paper presents a SaaS client-server architecture for Diagnosis as a Service (DaaS). The server is based on docker technology in order to allow execution of softwares implemented in different languages with the highest portability and scalability. The client is a content management system allowing the design of websites with multimedia content and interactive visualization of results allowing user editing. We explain a usage case that uses our DaaS as crowdsourcing platform in a multicentric pilot study carried out to evaluate the clinical benefits of a software for assessment of central airway obstruction.
Guillermo Torres, Debora Gil, Antoni Rosell, S. Mena, & Carles Sanchez. (2023)." Virtual Radiomics Biopsy for the Histological Diagnosis of Pulmonary Nodules" In 37th International Congress and Exhibition is organized by Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery.
Guillermo Torres, Debora Gil, Antonio Rosell, Sonia Baeza, & Carles Sanchez. (2023)." A radiomic biopsy for virtual histology of pulmonary nodules" In IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging.