Enric Marti, Carme Julia, & Debora Gil. (2007)." PBL en la docencia de gráficos por computador" (Vol. 1). Valladolid.
Enric Marti, Carme Julia, & Debora Gil. (2006). "A PBL Experience in the Teaching of Computer Graphics " . Computer Graphics Forum, 25(1), 95–103.
Abstract: Project-Based Learning (PBL) is an educational strategy to improve student’s learning capability that, in recent years, has had a progressive acceptance in undergraduate studies. This methodology is based on solving a problem or project in a student working group. In this way, PBL focuses on learning the necessary tools to correctly find a solution to given problems. Since the learning initiative is transferred to the student, the PBL method promotes students own abilities. This allows a better assessment of the true workload that carries out the student in the subject. It follows that the methodology conforms to the guidelines of the Bologna document, which quantifies the student workload in a subject by means of the European credit transfer system (ECTS). PBL is currently applied in undergraduate studies needing strong practical training such as medicine, nursing or law sciences. Although this is also the case in engineering studies, amazingly, few experiences have been reported. In this paper we propose to use PBL in the educational organization of the Computer Graphics subjects in the Computer Science degree. Our PBL project focuses in the development of a C++ graphical environment based on the OpenGL libraries for visualization and handling of different graphical objects. The starting point is a basic skeleton that already includes lighting functions, perspective projection with mouse interaction to change the point of view and three predefined objects. Students have to complete this skeleton by adding their own functions to solve the project. A total number of 10 projects have been proposed and successfully solved. The exercises range from human face rendering to articulated objects, such as robot arms or puppets. In the present paper we extensively report the statement and educational objectives for two of the projects: solar system visualization and a chess game. We report our earlier educational experience based on the standard classroom theoretical, problem and practice sessions and the reasons that motivated searching for other learning methods. We have mainly chosen PBL because it improves the student learning initiative. We have applied the PBL educational model since the beginning of the second semester. The student’s feedback increases in his interest for the subject. We present a comparative study of the teachers’ and students’ workload between PBL and the classic teaching approach, which suggests that the workload increase in PBL is not as high as it seems.
Enric Marti, Petia Radeva, Ricardo Toledo, & Jordi Vitria. (2005)." Experiencia de aplicación de la metodología de aprendizaje por proyectos en asignaturas de Ingeniería Informática para una mejor adaptación a los créditos ECTS i al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior" .
Enric Marti, Jordi Regincos, Juan Jose Villanueva, & Jaime Lopez-Krahe. (1994). "Line drawing interpretation as polyhedral objects to man-machine interaction in CAD systems " In Advances in Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, (pp. 158–169). World Scientific Pub.
Enric Marti, Jordi Regincos, & Jaime Lopez-Krahe. (1991)." Interpretación de Dibujos Lineales a Mano Alzada Representando Escenas Tridimensionales" In Primer Congreso Español de Informática..
Enric Marti, Jaume Rocarias, Petia Radeva, Ricardo Toledo, & Jordi Vitria. (2008)." Caronte: diseño, implementación y mejora de actividades de evaluación y primeras experiencias en asignaturas" . Lleida.
Enric Marti, Jaume Rocarias, Petia Radeva, Ricardo Toledo, & Jordi Vitria. (2007)." Caronte: implementació i millora d activitats d avaluació i primeres experiències amb diferents organitzacions docents" . Bellaterra (Spain).
Enric Marti, Jordi Rocarias, & Ricardo Toledo. (2008)." Caront: gestió flexible de grups d’alumnes en una asignatura i activitats sobre grups. Nova activitat de control" .
Enric Marti, Jaume Rocarias, & Ricardo Toledo. (2008). Caronte: gestión flexible de grupos de alumnos en asignaturas de universidad y actividades sobre estos grupos . Barcelona.
Enric Marti, Jordi Vitria, & Alberto Sanfeliu. (1998). "Reconocimiento de Formas y Análisis de Imágenes ". AERFAI.
Abstract: Los sistemas actuales de reconocimiento automático del lenguaje oral se basan en dos etapas básicas de procesado: la parametrización, que extrae la evolución temporal de los parámetros que caracterizan la voz, y el reconocimiento propiamente dicho, que identifica la cadena de palabras de la elocución recibida con ayuda de los modelos que representan el conocimiento adquirido en la etapa de aprendizaje. Tomando como línea divisoria la palabra, dichos modelos son de tipo acústicofonético o gramatical. Los primeros caracterizan las palabras incluidas en el vocabulario de la aplicación o tarea a la que está orientado el sistema de reconocimiento, usando a menudo para ello modelos de unidades de habla de extensión inferior a la palabra, es decir, de unidades subléxicas. Por otro lado, la gramática incluye el conocimiento acerca de las combinaciones permitidas de palabras para formar las frases o su probabilidad. Queda fuera del esquema la denominada comprensión del habla, que utiliza adicionalmente el conocimiento semántico y pragmático para captar el significado de la elocución de entrada al sistema a partir de la cadena (o cadenas alternativas) de palabras que suministra el reconocedor.