@Article{AlbertClapes2018, author="Albert Clapes and Alex Pardo and Oriol Pujol and Sergio Escalera", title="Action detection fusing multiple Kinects and a WIMU: an application to in-home assistive technology for the elderly", journal="Machine Vision and Applications", year="2018", volume="29", number="5", pages="765--788", optkeywords="Multimodal activity detection", optkeywords="Computer vision", optkeywords="Inertial sensors", optkeywords="Dense trajectories", optkeywords="Dynamic time warping", optkeywords="Assistive technology", abstract="We present a vision-inertial system which combines two RGB-Depth devices together with a wearable inertial movement unit in order to detect activities of the daily living. From multi-view videos, we extract dense trajectories enriched with a histogram of normals description computed from the depth cue and bag them into multi-view codebooks. During the later classification step a multi-class support vector machine with a RBF- 2 kernel combines the descriptions at kernel level. In order to perform action detection from the videos, a sliding window approach is utilized. On the other hand, we extract accelerations, rotation angles, and jerk features from the inertial data collected by the wearable placed on the user{\textquoteright}s dominant wrist. During gesture spotting, a dynamic time warping is applied and the aligning costs to a set of pre-selected gesture sub-classes are thresholded to determine possible detections. The outputs of the two modules are combined in a late-fusion fashion. The system is validated in a real-case scenario with elderly from an elder home. Learning-based fusion results improve the ones from the single modalities, demonstrating the success of such multimodal approach.", optnote="HUPBA; no proj;MILAB", optnote="exported from refbase (http://refbase.cvc.uab.es/show.php?record=3125), last updated on Mon, 24 Jan 2022 17:28:02 +0100", opturl="https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00138-018-0931-1", file=":http://refbase.cvc.uab.es/files/CPP2018.pdf:PDF" }