%0 Journal Article %T Organ Segmentation in Poultry Viscera Using RGB-D %A Mark Philip Philipsen %A Jacob Velling Dueholm %A Anders Jorgensen %A Sergio Escalera %A Thomas B. Moeslund %J Sensors %D 2018 %V 18 %N 1 %F Mark Philip Philipsen2018 %O HUPBA; no proj;MILAB %O exported from refbase (http://refbase.cvc.uab.es/show.php?record=3072), last updated on Thu, 17 Jan 2019 13:38:00 +0100 %X We present a pattern recognition framework for semantic segmentation of visual structures, that is, multi-class labelling at pixel level, and apply it to the task of segmenting organs in the eviscerated viscera from slaughtered poultry in RGB-D images. This is a step towards replacing the current strenuous manual inspection at poultry processing plants. Features are extracted from feature maps such as activation maps from a convolutional neural network (CNN). A random forest classifier assigns class probabilities, which are further refined by utilizing context in a conditional random field. The presented method is compatible with both 2D and 3D features, which allows us to explore the value of adding 3D and CNN-derived features. The dataset consists of 604 RGB-D images showing 151 unique sets of eviscerated viscera from four different perspectives. A mean Jaccard index of 78.11% is achieved across the four classes of organs by using features derived from 2D, 3D and a CNN, compared to 74.28% using only basic 2D image features. %K semantic segmentation %K RGB-D %K random forest %K conditional random field %K 2D %K 3D %K CNN %U http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/s18010117 %P 117