@Article{AlvaroCepero2015, author="Alvaro Cepero and Albert Clapes and Sergio Escalera", title="Automatic non-verbal communication skills analysis: a quantitative evaluation", journal="AI Communications", year="2015", volume="28", number="1", pages="87--101", optkeywords="Social signal processing", optkeywords="human behavior analysis", optkeywords="multi-modal data description", optkeywords="multi-modal data fusion", optkeywords="non-verbal communication analysis", optkeywords="e-Learning", abstract="The oral communication competence is defined on the top of the most relevant skills for one{\textquoteright}s professional and personal life. Because of the importance of communication in our activities of daily living, it is crucial to study methods to evaluate and provide the necessary feedback that can be used in order to improve these communication capabilities and, therefore, learn how to express ourselves better. In this work, we propose a system capable of evaluating quantitatively the quality of oral presentations in an automatic fashion. The system is based on a multi-modal RGB, depth, and audio data description and a fusion approach in order to recognize behavioral cues and train classifiers able to eventually predict communication quality levels. The performance of the proposed system is tested on a novel dataset containing Bachelor thesis{\textquoteright} real defenses, presentations from an 8th semester Bachelor courses, and Master courses{\textquoteright} presentations at Universitat de Barcelona. Using as groundtruth the marks assigned by actual instructors, our system achieves high performance categorizing and ranking presentations by their quality, and also making real-valued mark predictions.", optnote="HUPBA;MILAB", optnote="exported from refbase (http://refbase.cvc.uab.es/show.php?record=2549), last updated on Thu, 18 Jan 2018 11:44:24 +0100", issn="0921-7126", doi="10.3233/AIC-140617", file=":http://refbase.cvc.uab.es/files/CCE2014.pdf:PDF" }