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Author Daniel Hernandez; Antonio Espinosa; David Vazquez; Antonio Lopez; Juan C. Moure
Title 3D Perception With Slanted Stixels on GPU Type Journal Article
Year 2021 Publication IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems Abbreviated Journal TPDS
Volume 32 Issue (down) 10 Pages 2434-2447
Keywords Daniel Hernandez-Juarez; Antonio Espinosa; David Vazquez; Antonio M. Lopez; Juan C. Moure
Abstract This article presents a GPU-accelerated software design of the recently proposed model of Slanted Stixels, which represents the geometric and semantic information of a scene in a compact and accurate way. We reformulate the measurement depth model to reduce the computational complexity of the algorithm, relying on the confidence of the depth estimation and the identification of invalid values to handle outliers. The proposed massively parallel scheme and data layout for the irregular computation pattern that corresponds to a Dynamic Programming paradigm is described and carefully analyzed in performance terms. Performance is shown to scale gracefully on current generation embedded GPUs. We assess the proposed methods in terms of semantic and geometric accuracy as well as run-time performance on three publicly available benchmark datasets. Our approach achieves real-time performance with high accuracy for 2048 × 1024 image sizes and 4 × 4 Stixel resolution on the low-power embedded GPU of an NVIDIA Tegra Xavier.
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes ADAS; 600.124; 600.118 Approved no
Call Number Admin @ si @ HEV2021 Serial 3561
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