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Author Julio C. S. Jacques Junior; Xavier Baro; Sergio Escalera
Title Exploiting feature representations through similarity learning, post-ranking and ranking aggregation for person re-identification Type Journal Article
Year 2018 Publication Image and Vision Computing Abbreviated Journal IMAVIS
Volume 79 Issue Pages 76-85
Abstract Person re-identification has received special attention by the human analysis community in the last few years. To address the challenges in this field, many researchers have proposed different strategies, which basically exploit either cross-view invariant features or cross-view robust metrics. In this work, we propose to exploit a post-ranking approach and combine different feature representations through ranking aggregation. Spatial information, which potentially benefits the person matching, is represented using a 2D body model, from which color and texture information are extracted and combined. We also consider background/foreground information, automatically extracted via Deep Decompositional Network, and the usage of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) features. To describe the matching between images we use the polynomial feature map, also taking into account local and global information. The Discriminant Context Information Analysis based post-ranking approach is used to improve initial ranking lists. Finally, the Stuart ranking aggregation method is employed to combine complementary ranking lists obtained from different feature representations. Experimental results demonstrated that we improve the state-of-the-art on VIPeR and PRID450s datasets, achieving 67.21% and 75.64% on top-1 rank recognition rate, respectively, as well as obtaining competitive results on CUHK01 dataset.
Corporate Author Thesis
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Area Expedition Conference
Notes HuPBA; 602.143;MV;OR;MILAB Approved no
Call Number Admin @ si @ JBE2018 Serial 3138
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