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Author Jordi Esquirol; Cristina Palmero; Vanessa Bayo; Miquel Angel Cos; Sergio Escalera; David Sanchez; Maider Sanchez; Noelia Serrano; Mireia Relats
Title Automatic RBG-depth-pressure anthropometric analysis and individualised sleep solution prescription Type Journal
Year 2017 Publication (down) Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology Abbreviated Journal JMET
Volume 41 Issue 6 Pages 486-497
Sleep surfaces must adapt to individual somatotypic features to maintain a comfortable, convenient and healthy sleep, preventing diseases and injuries. Individually determining the most adequate rest surface can often be a complex and subjective question.
To design and validate an automatic multimodal somatotype determination model to automatically recommend an individually designed mattress-topper-pillow combination.
Design and validation of an automated prescription model for an individualised sleep system is performed through a single-image 2 D-3 D analysis and body pressure distribution, to objectively determine optimal individual sleep surfaces combining five different mattress densities, three different toppers and three cervical pillows.
A final study (n = 151) and re-analysis (n = 117) defined and validated the model, showing high correlations between calculated and real data (>85% in height and body circumferences, 89.9% in weight, 80.4% in body mass index and more than 70% in morphotype categorisation).
Somatotype determination model can accurately prescribe an individualised sleep solution. This can be useful for healthy people and for health centres that need to adapt sleep surfaces to people with special needs. Next steps will increase model's accuracy and analise, if this prescribed individualised sleep solution can improve sleep quantity and quality; additionally, future studies will adapt the model to mattresses with technological improvements, tailor-made production and will define interfaces for people with special needs.
Corporate Author Thesis
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Language Summary Language Original Title
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Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes HUPBA; no menciona;MILAB Approved no
Call Number Admin @ si @ EPB2017 Serial 3010
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