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Author Cristhian A. Aguilera-Carrasco; Angel Sappa; Cristhian Aguilera; Ricardo Toledo
Title Cross-Spectral Local Descriptors via Quadruplet Network Type Journal Article
Year 2017 Publication Sensors Abbreviated Journal SENS
Volume 17 Issue 4 Pages 873
Abstract This paper presents a novel CNN-based architecture, referred to as Q-Net, to learn local feature descriptors that are useful for matching image patches from two different spectral bands. Given correctly matched and non-matching cross-spectral image pairs, a quadruplet network is trained to map input image patches to a common Euclidean space, regardless of the input spectral band. Our approach is inspired by the recent success of triplet networks in the visible spectrum, but adapted for cross-spectral scenarios, where, for each matching pair, there are always two possible non-matching patches: one for each spectrum. Experimental evaluations on a public cross-spectral VIS-NIR dataset shows that the proposed approach improves the state-of-the-art. Moreover, the proposed technique can also be used in mono-spectral settings, obtaining a similar performance to triplet network descriptors, but requiring less training data.
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition (up) Conference
Notes ADAS; 600.086; 600.118 Approved no
Call Number Admin @ si @ ASA2017 Serial 2914
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