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Author Aura Hernandez-Sabate; Meritxell Joanpere; Nuria Gorgorio; Lluis Albarracin
Title Mathematics learning opportunities when playing a Tower Defense Game Type Journal
Year 2015 Publication International Journal of Serious Games Abbreviated Journal IJSG
Volume 2 Issue 4 Pages 57-71
Keywords Tower Defense game; learning opportunities; mathematics; problem solving; game design
Abstract A qualitative research study is presented herein with the purpose of identifying mathematics learning opportunities in students between 10 and 12 years old while playing a commercial version of a Tower Defense game. These learning opportunities are understood as mathematicisable moments of the game and involve the establishment of relationships between the game and mathematical problem solving. Based on the analysis of these mathematicisable moments, we conclude that the game can promote problem-solving processes and learning opportunities that can be associated with different mathematical contents that appears in mathematics curricula, thought it seems that teacher or new game elements might be needed to facilitate the processes.
Corporate Author Thesis
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Series Volume (down) Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes ADAS; 600.076;IAM Approved no
Call Number Admin @ si @ HJG2015 Serial 2730
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