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Author Fernando Barrera; Felipe Lumbreras; Angel Sappa
Title Multispectral Piecewise Planar Stereo using Manhattan-World Assumption Type Journal Article
Year 2013 Publication Pattern Recognition Letters Abbreviated Journal PRL
Volume 34 Issue 1 Pages 52-61
Keywords Multispectral stereo rig; Dense disparity maps from multispectral stereo; Color and infrared images
Abstract This paper proposes a new framework for extracting dense disparity maps from a multispectral stereo rig. The system is constructed with an infrared and a color camera. It is intended to explore novel multispectral stereo matching approaches that will allow further extraction of semantic information. The proposed framework consists of three stages. Firstly, an initial sparse disparity map is generated by using a cost function based on feature matching in a multiresolution scheme. Then, by looking at the color image, a set of planar hypotheses is defined to describe the surfaces on the scene. Finally, the previous stages are combined by reformulating the disparity computation as a global minimization problem. The paper has two main contributions. The first contribution combines mutual information with a shape descriptor based on gradient in a multiresolution scheme. The second contribution, which is based on the Manhattan-world assumption, extracts a dense disparity representation using the graph cut algorithm. Experimental results in outdoor scenarios are provided showing the validity of the proposed framework.
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN ISBN (up) Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes ADAS; 600.054; 600.055; 605.203 Approved no
Call Number Admin @ si @ BLS2013 Serial 2245
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