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Author Jaume Garcia; Debora Gil; A.Bajo; M.J.Ledesma-Carbayo; C.SantaMarta
Title Influence of the temporal resolution on the quantification of displacement fields in cardiac magnetic resonance tagged images Type Conference Article
Year 2008 Publication Proc. Computers in Cardiology Abbreviated Journal
Volume 35 Issue Pages 785-788
Abstract It is difficult to acquire tagged cardiac MR images with a high temporal and spatial resolution using clinical MR scanners. However, if such images are used for quantifying scores based on motion, it is essential a resolution as high as possible. This paper explores the influence of the temporal resolution of a tagged series on the quantification of myocardial dynamic parameters. To such purpose we have designed a SPAMM (Spatial Modulation of Magnetization) sequence allowing acquisition of sequences at simple and double temporal resolution. Sequences are processed to compute myocardial motion by an automatic technique based on the tracking of the harmonic phase of tagged images (the Harmonic Phase Flow, HPF). The results have been compared to manual tracking of myocardial tags. The error in displacement fields for double resolution sequences reduces 17%.
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Editor Alan Murray
Language Summary Language (up) Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes IAM Approved no
Call Number IAM @ iam @ GGB2008 Serial 1508
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