Records |
Links |
Author |
Marçal Rusiñol; Lluis Gomez |
Title |
Avances en clasificación de imágenes en los últimos diez años. Perspectivas y limitaciones en el ámbito de archivos fotográficos históricos |
Type |
Journal |
Year |
2018 |
Publication |
Revista anual de la Asociación de Archiveros de Castilla y León |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
21 |
Issue |
Pages |
161-174 |
Keywords |
Abstract |
Address |
Corporate Author |
Thesis |
Publisher |
Place of Publication |
Editor |
Language |
Summary Language |
Original Title |
Series Editor |
Series Title |
Abbreviated Series Title |
Series Volume |
Series Issue |
Edition |
Medium |
Area |
Expedition |
Conference |
Notes |
DAG; 600.121; 600.129 |
Approved |
no |
Call Number |
Admin @ si @ RuG2018 |
Serial |
3239 |
Permanent link to this record |
Author |
Francisco Cruz; Oriol Ramos Terrades |
Title |
A probabilistic framework for handwritten text line segmentation |
Type |
Miscellaneous |
Year |
2018 |
Publication |
Arxiv |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
Issue |
Pages |
Keywords |
Document Analysis; Text Line Segmentation; EM algorithm; Probabilistic Graphical Models; Parameter Learning |
Abstract |
We successfully combine Expectation-Maximization algorithm and variational
approaches for parameter learning and computing inference on Markov random fields. This is a general method that can be applied to many computer
vision tasks. In this paper, we apply it to handwritten text line segmentation.
We conduct several experiments that demonstrate that our method deal with
common issues of this task, such as complex document layout or non-latin
scripts. The obtained results prove that our method achieve state-of-theart performance on different benchmark datasets without any particular fine
tuning step. |
Address |
Corporate Author |
Thesis |
Publisher |
Place of Publication |
Editor |
Language |
Summary Language |
Original Title |
Series Editor |
Series Title |
Abbreviated Series Title |
Series Volume |
Series Issue |
Edition |
Medium |
Area |
Expedition |
Conference |
Notes |
DAG; 600.097; 600.121 |
Approved |
no |
Call Number |
Admin @ si @ CrR2018 |
Serial |
3253 |
Permanent link to this record |
Author |
Thanh Ha Do; Oriol Ramos Terrades; Salvatore Tabbone |
Title |
DSD: document sparse-based denoising algorithm |
Type |
Journal Article |
Year |
2019 |
Publication |
Pattern Analysis and Applications |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
22 |
Issue |
1 |
Pages |
177–186 |
Keywords |
Document denoising; Sparse representations; Sparse dictionary learning; Document degradation models |
Abstract |
In this paper, we present a sparse-based denoising algorithm for scanned documents. This method can be applied to any kind of scanned documents with satisfactory results. Unlike other approaches, the proposed approach encodes noise documents through sparse representation and visual dictionary learning techniques without any prior noise model. Moreover, we propose a precision parameter estimator. Experiments on several datasets demonstrate the robustness of the proposed approach compared to the state-of-the-art methods on document denoising. |
Address |
Corporate Author |
Thesis |
Publisher |
Place of Publication |
Editor |
Language |
Summary Language |
Original Title |
Series Editor |
Series Title |
Abbreviated Series Title |
Series Volume |
Series Issue |
Edition |
Medium |
Area |
Expedition |
Conference |
Notes |
DAG; 600.097; 600.140; 600.121 |
Approved |
no |
Call Number |
Admin @ si @ DRT2019 |
Serial |
3254 |
Permanent link to this record |
Author |
Sounak Dey; Palaiahnakote Shivakumara; K.S. Raghunanda; Umapada Pal; Tong Lu; G. Hemantha Kumar; Chee Seng Chan |
Title |
Script independent approach for multi-oriented text detection in scene image |
Type |
Journal Article |
Year |
2017 |
Publication |
Neurocomputing |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
242 |
Issue |
Pages |
96-112 |
Keywords |
Abstract |
Developing a text detection method which is invariant to scripts in natural scene images is a challeng- ing task due to different geometrical structures of various scripts. Besides, multi-oriented of text lines in natural scene images make the problem more challenging. This paper proposes to explore ring radius transform (RRT) for text detection in multi-oriented and multi-script environments. The method finds component regions based on convex hull to generate radius matrices using RRT. It is a fact that RRT pro- vides low radius values for the pixels that are near to edges, constant radius values for the pixels that represent stroke width, and high radius values that represent holes created in background and convex hull because of the regular structures of text components. We apply k -means clustering on the radius matrices to group such spatially coherent regions into individual clusters. Then the proposed method studies the radius values of such cluster components that are close to the centroid and far from the cen- troid to detect text components. Furthermore, we have developed a Bangla dataset (named as ISI-UM dataset) and propose a semi-automatic system for generating its ground truth for text detection of arbi- trary orientations, which can be used by the researchers for text detection and recognition in the future. The ground truth will be released to public. Experimental results on our ISI-UM data and other standard datasets, namely, ICDAR 2013 scene, SVT and MSRA data, show that the proposed method outperforms the existing methods in terms of multi-lingual and multi-oriented text detection ability. |
Address |
Corporate Author |
Thesis |
Publisher |
Place of Publication |
Editor |
Language |
Summary Language |
Original Title |
Series Editor |
Series Title |
Abbreviated Series Title |
Series Volume |
Series Issue |
Edition |
Medium |
Area |
Expedition |
Conference |
Notes |
DAG; 600.121 |
Approved |
no |
Call Number |
Admin @ si @ DSR2017 |
Serial |
3260 |
Permanent link to this record |
Author |
Raul Gomez; Lluis Gomez; Jaume Gibert; Dimosthenis Karatzas |
Title |
Self-Supervised Learning from Web Data for Multimodal Retrieval |
Type |
Book Chapter |
Year |
2019 |
Publication |
Multi-Modal Scene Understanding Book |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
Issue |
Pages |
279-306 |
Keywords |
self-supervised learning; webly supervised learning; text embeddings; multimodal retrieval; multimodal embedding |
Abstract |
Self-Supervised learning from multimodal image and text data allows deep neural networks to learn powerful features with no need of human annotated data. Web and Social Media platforms provide a virtually unlimited amount of this multimodal data. In this work we propose to exploit this free available data to learn a multimodal image and text embedding, aiming to leverage the semantic knowledge learnt in the text domain and transfer it to a visual model for semantic image retrieval. We demonstrate that the proposed pipeline can learn from images with associated text without supervision and analyze the semantic structure of the learnt joint image and text embeddingspace. Weperformathoroughanalysisandperformancecomparisonoffivedifferentstateof the art text embeddings in three different benchmarks. We show that the embeddings learnt with Web and Social Media data have competitive performances over supervised methods in the text basedimageretrievaltask,andweclearlyoutperformstateoftheartintheMIRFlickrdatasetwhen training in the target data. Further, we demonstrate how semantic multimodal image retrieval can be performed using the learnt embeddings, going beyond classical instance-level retrieval problems. Finally, we present a new dataset, InstaCities1M, composed by Instagram images and their associated texts that can be used for fair comparison of image-text embeddings. |
Address |
Corporate Author |
Thesis |
Publisher |
Place of Publication |
Editor |
Language |
Summary Language |
Original Title |
Series Editor |
Series Title |
Abbreviated Series Title |
Series Volume |
Series Issue |
Edition |
Medium |
Area |
Expedition |
Conference |
Notes |
DAG; 600.129; 601.338; 601.310 |
Approved |
no |
Call Number |
Admin @ si @ GGG2019 |
Serial |
3266 |
Permanent link to this record |
Author |
Arnau Baro; Pau Riba; Jorge Calvo-Zaragoza; Alicia Fornes |
Title |
From Optical Music Recognition to Handwritten Music Recognition: a Baseline |
Type |
Journal Article |
Year |
2019 |
Publication |
Pattern Recognition Letters |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
123 |
Issue |
Pages |
1-8 |
Keywords |
Abstract |
Optical Music Recognition (OMR) is the branch of document image analysis that aims to convert images of musical scores into a computer-readable format. Despite decades of research, the recognition of handwritten music scores, concretely the Western notation, is still an open problem, and the few existing works only focus on a specific stage of OMR. In this work, we propose a full Handwritten Music Recognition (HMR) system based on Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks, data augmentation and transfer learning, that can serve as a baseline for the research community. |
Address |
Corporate Author |
Thesis |
Publisher |
Place of Publication |
Editor |
Language |
Summary Language |
Original Title |
Series Editor |
Series Title |
Abbreviated Series Title |
Series Volume |
Series Issue |
Edition |
Medium |
Area |
Expedition |
Conference |
Notes |
DAG; 600.097; 601.302; 601.330; 600.140; 600.121 |
Approved |
no |
Call Number |
Admin @ si @ BRC2019 |
Serial |
3275 |
Permanent link to this record |
Author |
Marçal Rusiñol |
Title |
Classificació semàntica i visual de documents digitals |
Type |
Journal |
Year |
2019 |
Publication |
Revista de biblioteconomia i documentacio |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
Issue |
Pages |
75-86 |
Keywords |
Abstract |
Se analizan los sistemas de procesamiento automático que trabajan sobre documentos digitalizados con el objetivo de describir los contenidos. De esta forma contribuyen a facilitar el acceso, permitir la indización automática y hacer accesibles los documentos a los motores de búsqueda. El objetivo de estas tecnologías es poder entrenar modelos computacionales que sean capaces de clasificar, agrupar o realizar búsquedas sobre documentos digitales. Así, se describen las tareas de clasificación, agrupamiento y búsqueda. Cuando utilizamos tecnologías de inteligencia artificial en los sistemas de
clasificación esperamos que la herramienta nos devuelva etiquetas semánticas; en sistemas de agrupamiento que nos devuelva documentos agrupados en clusters significativos; y en sistemas de búsqueda esperamos que dada una consulta, nos devuelva una lista ordenada de documentos en función de la relevancia. A continuación se da una visión de conjunto de los métodos que nos permiten describir los documentos digitales, tanto de manera visual (cuál es su apariencia), como a partir de sus contenidos semánticos (de qué hablan). En cuanto a la descripción visual de documentos se aborda el estado de la cuestión de las representaciones numéricas de documentos digitalizados
tanto por métodos clásicos como por métodos basados en el aprendizaje profundo (deep learning). Respecto de la descripción semántica de los contenidos se analizan técnicas como el reconocimiento óptico de caracteres (OCR); el cálculo de estadísticas básicas sobre la aparición de las diferentes palabras en un texto (bag-of-words model); y los métodos basados en aprendizaje profundo como el método word2vec, basado en una red neuronal que, dadas unas cuantas palabras de un texto, debe predecir cuál será la
siguiente palabra. Desde el campo de las ingenierías se están transfiriendo conocimientos que se han integrado en productos o servicios en los ámbitos de la archivística, la biblioteconomía, la documentación y las plataformas de gran consumo, sin embargo los algoritmos deben ser lo suficientemente eficientes no sólo para el reconocimiento y transcripción literal sino también para la capacidad de interpretación de los contenidos. |
Address |
Corporate Author |
Thesis |
Publisher |
Place of Publication |
Editor |
Language |
Summary Language |
Original Title |
Series Editor |
Series Title |
Abbreviated Series Title |
Series Volume |
Series Issue |
Edition |
Medium |
Area |
Expedition |
Conference |
Notes |
DAG; 600.084; 600.135; 600.121; 600.129 |
Approved |
no |
Call Number |
Admin @ si @ Rus2019 |
Serial |
3282 |
Permanent link to this record |
Author |
Dena Bazazian; Raul Gomez; Anguelos Nicolaou; Lluis Gomez; Dimosthenis Karatzas; Andrew Bagdanov |
Title |
Fast: Facilitated and accurate scene text proposals through fcn guided pruning |
Type |
Journal Article |
Year |
2019 |
Publication |
Pattern Recognition Letters |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
119 |
Issue |
Pages |
112-120 |
Keywords |
Abstract |
Class-specific text proposal algorithms can efficiently reduce the search space for possible text object locations in an image. In this paper we combine the Text Proposals algorithm with Fully Convolutional Networks to efficiently reduce the number of proposals while maintaining the same recall level and thus gaining a significant speed up. Our experiments demonstrate that such text proposal approaches yield significantly higher recall rates than state-of-the-art text localization techniques, while also producing better-quality localizations. Our results on the ICDAR 2015 Robust Reading Competition (Challenge 4) and the COCO-text datasets show that, when combined with strong word classifiers, this recall margin leads to state-of-the-art results in end-to-end scene text recognition. |
Address |
Corporate Author |
Thesis |
Publisher |
Place of Publication |
Editor |
Language |
Summary Language |
Original Title |
Series Editor |
Series Title |
Abbreviated Series Title |
Series Volume |
Series Issue |
Edition |
Medium |
Area |
Expedition |
Conference |
Notes |
DAG; 600.084; 600.121; 600.129 |
Approved |
no |
Call Number |
Admin @ si @ BGN2019 |
Serial |
3342 |
Permanent link to this record |
Author |
Lei Kang; Pau Riba; Mauricio Villegas; Alicia Fornes; Marçal Rusiñol |
Title |
Candidate Fusion: Integrating Language Modelling into a Sequence-to-Sequence Handwritten Word Recognition Architecture |
Type |
Journal Article |
Year |
2021 |
Publication |
Pattern Recognition |
Abbreviated Journal |
PR |
Volume |
112 |
Issue |
Pages |
107790 |
Keywords |
Abstract |
Sequence-to-sequence models have recently become very popular for tackling
handwritten word recognition problems. However, how to effectively integrate an external language model into such recognizer is still a challenging
problem. The main challenge faced when training a language model is to
deal with the language model corpus which is usually different to the one
used for training the handwritten word recognition system. Thus, the bias
between both word corpora leads to incorrectness on the transcriptions, providing similar or even worse performances on the recognition task. In this
work, we introduce Candidate Fusion, a novel way to integrate an external
language model to a sequence-to-sequence architecture. Moreover, it provides suggestions from an external language knowledge, as a new input to
the sequence-to-sequence recognizer. Hence, Candidate Fusion provides two
improvements. On the one hand, the sequence-to-sequence recognizer has
the flexibility not only to combine the information from itself and the language model, but also to choose the importance of the information provided
by the language model. On the other hand, the external language model
has the ability to adapt itself to the training corpus and even learn the
most commonly errors produced from the recognizer. Finally, by conducting
comprehensive experiments, the Candidate Fusion proves to outperform the
state-of-the-art language models for handwritten word recognition tasks. |
Address |
Corporate Author |
Thesis |
Publisher |
Place of Publication |
Editor |
Language |
Summary Language |
Original Title |
Series Editor |
Series Title |
Abbreviated Series Title |
Series Volume |
Series Issue |
Edition |
Medium |
Area |
Expedition |
Conference |
Notes |
DAG; 600.140; 601.302; 601.312; 600.121 |
Approved |
no |
Call Number |
Admin @ si @ KRV2021 |
Serial |
3343 |
Permanent link to this record |
Author |
Beata Megyesi; Bernhard Esslinger; Alicia Fornes; Nils Kopal; Benedek Lang; George Lasry; Karl de Leeuw; Eva Pettersson; Arno Wacker; Michelle Waldispuhl |
Title |
Decryption of historical manuscripts: the DECRYPT project |
Type |
Journal Article |
Year |
2020 |
Publication |
Cryptologia |
Abbreviated Journal |
Volume |
44 |
Issue |
6 |
Pages |
545-559 |
Keywords |
automatic decryption; cipher collection; historical cryptology; image transcription |
Abstract |
Many historians and linguists are working individually and in an uncoordinated fashion on the identification and decryption of historical ciphers. This is a time-consuming process as they often work without access to automatic methods and processes that can accelerate the decipherment. At the same time, computer scientists and cryptologists are developing algorithms to decrypt various cipher types without having access to a large number of original ciphertexts. In this paper, we describe the DECRYPT project aiming at the creation of resources and tools for historical cryptology by bringing the expertise of various disciplines together for collecting data, exchanging methods for faster progress to transcribe, decrypt and contextualize historical encrypted manuscripts. We present our goals and work-in progress of a general approach for analyzing historical encrypted manuscripts using standardized methods and a new set of state-of-the-art tools. We release the data and tools as open-source hoping that all mentioned disciplines would benefit and contribute to the research infrastructure of historical cryptology. |
Address |
Corporate Author |
Thesis |
Publisher |
Place of Publication |
Editor |
Language |
Summary Language |
Original Title |
Series Editor |
Series Title |
Abbreviated Series Title |
Series Volume |
Series Issue |
Edition |
Medium |
Area |
Expedition |
Conference |
Notes |
DAG; 600.140; 600.121 |
Approved |
no |
Call Number |
Admin @ si @ MEF2020 |
Serial |
3347 |
Permanent link to this record |