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Author Yi Xiao; Felipe Codevilla; Akhil Gurram; Onay Urfalioglu; Antonio Lopez edit   pdf
url  doi
  Title Multimodal end-to-end autonomous driving Type Journal Article
  Year 2020 Publication IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems Abbreviated Journal TITS  
  Volume Issue (down) Pages 1-11  
  Abstract A crucial component of an autonomous vehicle (AV) is the artificial intelligence (AI) is able to drive towards a desired destination. Today, there are different paradigms addressing the development of AI drivers. On the one hand, we find modular pipelines, which divide the driving task into sub-tasks such as perception and maneuver planning and control. On the other hand, we find end-to-end driving approaches that try to learn a direct mapping from input raw sensor data to vehicle control signals. The later are relatively less studied, but are gaining popularity since they are less demanding in terms of sensor data annotation. This paper focuses on end-to-end autonomous driving. So far, most proposals relying on this paradigm assume RGB images as input sensor data. However, AVs will not be equipped only with cameras, but also with active sensors providing accurate depth information (e.g., LiDARs). Accordingly, this paper analyses whether combining RGB and depth modalities, i.e. using RGBD data, produces better end-to-end AI drivers than relying on a single modality. We consider multimodality based on early, mid and late fusion schemes, both in multisensory and single-sensor (monocular depth estimation) settings. Using the CARLA simulator and conditional imitation learning (CIL), we show how, indeed, early fusion multimodality outperforms single-modality.  
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  Area Expedition Conference  
  Notes ADAS Approved no  
  Call Number Admin @ si @ XCG2020 Serial 3490  
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Author Sudeep Katakol; Basem Elbarashy; Luis Herranz; Joost Van de Weijer; Antonio Lopez edit   pdf
url  doi
  Title Distributed Learning and Inference with Compressed Images Type Journal Article
  Year 2021 Publication IEEE Transactions on Image Processing Abbreviated Journal TIP  
  Volume 30 Issue (down) Pages 3069 - 3083  
  Abstract Modern computer vision requires processing large amounts of data, both while training the model and/or during inference, once the model is deployed. Scenarios where images are captured and processed in physically separated locations are increasingly common (e.g. autonomous vehicles, cloud computing). In addition, many devices suffer from limited resources to store or transmit data (e.g. storage space, channel capacity). In these scenarios, lossy image compression plays a crucial role to effectively increase the number of images collected under such constraints. However, lossy compression entails some undesired degradation of the data that may harm the performance of the downstream analysis task at hand, since important semantic information may be lost in the process. Moreover, we may only have compressed images at training time but are able to use original images at inference time, or vice versa, and in such a case, the downstream model suffers from covariate shift. In this paper, we analyze this phenomenon, with a special focus on vision-based perception for autonomous driving as a paradigmatic scenario. We see that loss of semantic information and covariate shift do indeed exist, resulting in a drop in performance that depends on the compression rate. In order to address the problem, we propose dataset restoration, based on image restoration with generative adversarial networks (GANs). Our method is agnostic to both the particular image compression method and the downstream task; and has the advantage of not adding additional cost to the deployed models, which is particularly important in resource-limited devices. The presented experiments focus on semantic segmentation as a challenging use case, cover a broad range of compression rates and diverse datasets, and show how our method is able to significantly alleviate the negative effects of compression on the downstream visual task.  
  Corporate Author Thesis  
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  Area Expedition Conference  
  Notes LAMP; ADAS; 600.120; 600.118;CIC Approved no  
  Call Number Admin @ si @ KEH2021 Serial 3543  
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Author Iban Berganzo-Besga; Hector A. Orengo; Felipe Lumbreras; Paloma Aliende; Monica N. Ramsey edit  doi
  Title Automated detection and classification of multi-cell Phytoliths using Deep Learning-Based Algorithms Type Journal Article
  Year 2022 Publication Journal of Archaeological Science Abbreviated Journal JArchSci  
  Volume 148 Issue (down) Pages 105654  
  Abstract This paper presents an algorithm for automated detection and classification of multi-cell phytoliths, one of the major components of many archaeological and paleoenvironmental deposits. This identification, based on phytolith wave pattern, is made using a pretrained VGG19 deep learning model. This approach has been tested in three key phytolith genera for the study of agricultural origins in Near East archaeology: Avena, Hordeum and Triticum. Also, this classification has been validated at species-level using Triticum boeoticum and dicoccoides images. Due to the diversity of microscopes, cameras and chemical treatments that can influence images of phytolith slides, three types of data augmentation techniques have been implemented: rotation of the images at 45-degree angles, random colour and brightness jittering, and random blur/sharpen. The implemented workflow has resulted in an overall accuracy of 93.68% for phytolith genera, improving previous attempts. The algorithm has also demonstrated its potential to automatize the classification of phytoliths species with an overall accuracy of 100%. The open code and platforms employed to develop the algorithm assure the method's accessibility, reproducibility and reusability.  
  Address December 2022  
  Corporate Author Thesis  
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  Series Volume Series Issue Edition  
  ISSN ISBN Medium  
  Area Expedition Conference  
  Notes MSIAU; MACO; 600.167;ADAS Approved no  
  Call Number Admin @ si @ BOL2022 Serial 3753  
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Author Iban Berganzo-Besga; Hector A. Orengo; Felipe Lumbreras; Aftab Alam; Rosie Campbell; Petrus J Gerrits; Jonas Gregorio de Souza; Afifa Khan; Maria Suarez Moreno; Jack Tomaney; Rebecca C Roberts; Cameron A Petrie edit  url
doi  openurl
  Title Curriculum learning-based strategy for low-density archaeological mound detection from historical maps in India and Pakistan Type Journal Article
  Year 2023 Publication Scientific Reports Abbreviated Journal ScR  
  Volume 13 Issue (down) Pages 11257  
  Abstract This paper presents two algorithms for the large-scale automatic detection and instance segmentation of potential archaeological mounds on historical maps. Historical maps present a unique source of information for the reconstruction of ancient landscapes. The last 100 years have seen unprecedented landscape modifications with the introduction and large-scale implementation of mechanised agriculture, channel-based irrigation schemes, and urban expansion to name but a few. Historical maps offer a window onto disappearing landscapes where many historical and archaeological elements that no longer exist today are depicted. The algorithms focus on the detection and shape extraction of mound features with high probability of being archaeological settlements, mounds being one of the most commonly documented archaeological features to be found in the Survey of India historical map series, although not necessarily recognised as such at the time of surveying. Mound features with high archaeological potential are most commonly depicted through hachures or contour-equivalent form-lines, therefore, an algorithm has been designed to detect each of those features. Our proposed approach addresses two of the most common issues in archaeological automated survey, the low-density of archaeological features to be detected, and the small amount of training data available. It has been applied to all types of maps available of the historic 1″ to 1-mile series, thus increasing the complexity of the detection. Moreover, the inclusion of synthetic data, along with a Curriculum Learning strategy, has allowed the algorithm to better understand what the mound features look like. Likewise, a series of filters based on topographic setting, form, and size have been applied to improve the accuracy of the models. The resulting algorithms have a recall value of 52.61% and a precision of 82.31% for the hachure mounds, and a recall value of 70.80% and a precision of 70.29% for the form-line mounds, which allowed the detection of nearly 6000 mound features over an area of 470,500 km2, the largest such approach to have ever been applied. If we restrict our focus to the maps most similar to those used in the algorithm training, we reach recall values greater than 60% and precision values greater than 90%. This approach has shown the potential to implement an adaptive algorithm that allows, after a small amount of retraining with data detected from a new map, a better general mound feature detection in the same map.  
  Corporate Author Thesis  
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  Series Volume Series Issue Edition  
  ISSN ISBN Medium  
  Area Expedition Conference  
  Notes MSIAU;ADAS Approved no  
  Call Number Admin @ si @ BOL2023 Serial 3976  
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Author Henry Velesaca; Gisel Bastidas-Guacho; Mohammad Rouhani; Angel Sappa edit  url
  Title Multimodal image registration techniques: a comprehensive survey Type Journal Article
  Year 2024 Publication Multimedia Tools and Applications Abbreviated Journal MTAP  
  Volume Issue (down) Pages  
  Abstract This manuscript presents a review of state-of-the-art techniques proposed in the literature for multimodal image registration, addressing instances where images from different modalities need to be precisely aligned in the same reference system. This scenario arises when the images to be registered come from different modalities, among the visible and thermal spectral bands, 3D-RGB, or flash-no flash, or NIR-visible. The review spans different techniques from classical approaches to more modern ones based on deep learning, aiming to highlight the particularities required at each step in the registration pipeline when dealing with multimodal images. It is noteworthy that medical images are excluded from this review due to their specific characteristics, including the use of both active and passive sensors or the non-rigid nature of the body contained in the image.  
  Corporate Author Thesis  
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  Series Volume Series Issue Edition  
  ISSN ISBN Medium  
  Area Expedition Conference  
  Notes MSIAU;ADAS Approved no  
  Call Number Admin @ si @ VBR2024 Serial 3997  
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