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Gemma Sanchez, Josep Llados and K. Tombre. 2001. An Error-Correction Graph Grammar to Recognize Textured Symbols..
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Maria Vanrell, Felipe Lumbreras, A. Pujol, Ramon Baldrich, Josep Llados and Juan J. Villanueva. 2001. Colour Normalisation Based on Background Information..
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Josep Llados and Enric Marti. 1999. A graph-edit algorithm for hand-drawn graphical document recognition and their automatic introduction into CAD systems..
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Robert Benavente, Gemma Sanchez, Ramon Baldrich, Maria Vanrell and Josep Llados. 2000. Normalized colour segmentation for human appearance description. 15 th International Conference on Pattern Recognition.637–641.
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Gemma Sanchez, Josep Llados and K. Tombre. 2002. A mean string algorithm to compute the average among a set of 2D shapes. PRL, 23(1-3), 203–214.
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Josep Llados, Gemma Sanchez and K. Tombre. 2002. An Error-Correction Graph Grammar to Recognize Texture Symbols..
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Francesc Tous, Agnes Borras, Robert Benavente, Ramon Baldrich, Maria Vanrell and Josep Llados. 2002. Textual Descriptors for browsing people by visual appearence. 5è. Congrés Català d’Intel·ligència Artificial CCIA.
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Ramon Baldrich, Ricardo Toledo, Ernest Valveny and Maria Vanrell. 2002. Perceptual Colour Image Segmentation..
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Ricardo Toledo, Ramon Baldrich, Ernest Valveny and Petia Radeva. 2002. Enhancing snakes for vessel detection in angiography images..
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Ernest Valveny and B. Lamiroy. 2002. Automatic Generation of Browsable Technical Documents..
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