Xavier Otazu, C. Alejandro Parraga, & Maria Vanrell. (2010). Towards a unified chromatic inducction model. VSS - Journal of Vision, 10(12:5), 1–24.
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Albert Gordo. (2009). A Cyclic Page Layout Descriptor for Document Classification & Retrieval (Vol. 128). Master's thesis, , Bellaterra, Barcelona.
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C. Alejandro Parraga, Javier Vazquez, & Maria Vanrell. (2009). A new cone activation-based natural images dataset. PER - Perception, 36, 180.
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C. Alejandro Parraga, Robert Benavente, Maria Vanrell, & Ramon Baldrich. (2009). Psychophysical measurements to model inter-colour regions of colour-naming space. Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, 53(3), 031106 (8 pages).
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David Augusto Rojas. (2009). Colouring Local Feature Detection for Matching (Vol. 133). Master's thesis, , Bellaterra, Barcelona.
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Fahad Shahbaz Khan, Joost Van de Weijer, & Maria Vanrell. (2009). Top-Down Color Attention for Object Recognition. In 12th International Conference on Computer Vision (pp. 979–986).
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Javier Vazquez, C. Alejandro Parraga, & Maria Vanrell. (2009). Ordinal pairwise method for natural images comparison. PER - Perception, 38, 180.
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Javier Vazquez, C. Alejandro Parraga, Maria Vanrell, & Ramon Baldrich. (2009). Color Constancy Algorithms: Psychophysical Evaluation on a New Dataset. Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, 53(3), 031105–9.
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Jose Carlos Rubio. (2009). Graph matching based on graphical models with application to vehicle tracking and classification at night (Vol. 144). Master's thesis, , Bellaterra, Barcelona.
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Naila Murray. (2009). Perceptual Feature Detection (Vol. 131). Master's thesis, , Bellaterra, Barcelona.
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Olivier Penacchio. (2009). Relative Density of L, M, S photoreceptors in the Human Retina (Vol. 135). Master's thesis, , Bellaterra, Barcelona.
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Robert Benavente, C. Alejandro Parraga, & Maria Vanrell. (2009). Colour categories boundaries are better defined in contextual conditions. PER - Perception, 38, 36.
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Shida Beigpour. (2009). Physics-based Reflectance Estimation Applied to Recoloring (Vol. 137). Master's thesis, , Bellaterra, Barcelona.
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T. Widemann, & Xavier Otazu. (2009). Titanias radius and an upper limit on its atmosphere from the September 8, 2001 stellar occultation. International Journal of Solar System Studies, 199(2), 458–476.
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Xavier Boix. (2009). Learning Conditional Random Fields for Stereo (Vol. 136). Master's thesis, , Bellaterra, Barcelona.
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Agata Lapedriza, Jaume Garcia, Ernest Valveny, Robert Benavente, Miquel Ferrer, & Gemma Sanchez. (2008). Una experiencia de aprenentatge basada en projectes en el ambit de la informatica.
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Antonio Lopez, J. Hilgenstock, A. Busse, Ramon Baldrich, Felipe Lumbreras, & Joan Serrat. (2008). Nightime Vehicle Detecion for Intelligent Headlight Control. In Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems, 10th International Conference, Proceedings, (Vol. 5259, 113–124). LNCS.
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Antonio Lopez, J. Hilgenstock, A. Busse, Ramon Baldrich, Felipe Lumbreras, & Joan Serrat. (2008). Temporal Coherence Analysis for Intelligent Headlight Control.
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