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Author Title Year Publication Volume Pages
Simone Balocco; Carlo Gatta; Marina Alberti; Xavier Carrillo; Juan Rigla; Petia Radeva Relation between plaque type, plaque thickness, blood shear stress and plaque stress in coronary arteries assessed by X-ray Angiography and Intravascular Ultrasound 2012 Medical Physics 39 7430-7445
Francisco Blanco; Felipe Lumbreras; Joan Serrat; Roswitha Siener; Silvia Serranti; Giuseppe Bonifazi; Montserrat Lopez Mesas; Manuel Valiente Taking advantage of Hyperspectral Imaging classification of urinary stones against conventional IR Spectroscopy 2014 Journal of Biomedical Optics 19 126004-1 - 126004-9
Felipe Lumbreras; Joan Serrat Wavelet filtering for the segmentation of marble images. 1996 Optical Engineering 35
Daniel Ponsa; Robert Benavente; Felipe Lumbreras; Judit Martinez; Xavier Roca Quality control of safety belts by machine vision inspection for real-time production 2003 Optical Engineering (IF: 0.877) 42 1114-1120
R.A.Bendezu; E.Barba; E.Burri; D.Cisternas; Carolina Malagelada; Santiago Segui; Anna Accarino; S.Quiroga; E.Monclus; I.Navazo Intestinal gas content and distribution in health and in patients with functional gut symptoms 2015 Neurogastroenterology & Motility 27 1249-1257
Sophie Wuerger; Kaida Xiao; Chenyang Fu; Dimosthenis Karatzas Colour-opponent mechanisms are not affected by age-related chromatic sensitivity changes 2010 Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 30 635-659
Bhaskar Chakraborty; Andrew Bagdanov; Jordi Gonzalez; Xavier Roca Human Action Recognition Using an Ensemble of Body-Part Detectors 2013 Expert Systems 30 101-114
Sergio Escalera; Ana Puig; Oscar Amoros; Maria Salamo Intelligent GPGPU Classification in Volume Visualization: a framework based on Error-Correcting Output Codes 2011 Computer Graphics Forum 30 2107-2115
Enric Marti; Carme Julia; Debora Gil A PBL Experience in the Teaching of Computer Graphics 2006 Computer Graphics Forum 25 95-103
Carolina Malagelada; F.De Lorio; Santiago Segui; S. Mendez; Michal Drozdzal; Jordi Vitria; Petia Radeva; J.Santos; Anna Accarino; Juan R. Malagelada; Fernando Azpiroz Functional gut disorders or disordered gut function? Small bowel dysmotility evidenced by an original technique 2012 Neurogastroenterology & Motility 24 223-230
Fosca De Iorio; Carolina Malagelada; Fernando Azpiroz; M. Maluenda; C. Violanti; Laura Igual; Jordi Vitria; Juan R. Malagelada Intestinal motor activity, endoluminal motion and transit 2009 Neurogastroenterology & Motility 21 1264–e119
David Roche; Debora Gil; Jesus Giraldo Mechanistic analysis of the function of agonists and allosteric modulators: Reconciling two-state and operational models 2013 British Journal of Pharmacology 169 1189-202
Aura Hernandez-Sabate; Debora Gil; Jaume Garcia; Enric Marti Image-based Cardiac Phase Retrieval in Intravascular Ultrasound Sequences 2011 IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control 58 60-72
Sergio Escalera; Alicia Fornes; Oriol Pujol; Josep Llados; Petia Radeva Circular Blurred Shape Model for Multiclass Symbol Recognition 2011 IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (Part B) (IEEE) 41 497-506
Fadi Dornaika; Bogdan Raducanu Three-Dimensional Face Pose Detection and Tracking Using Monocular Videos: Tool and Application 2009 IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics part B 39 935–944