Francisco Cruz, & Oriol Ramos Terrades. (2013). Handwritten Line Detection via an EM Algorithm. In 12th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (pp. 718–722).
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Albert Gordo, Marçal Rusiñol, Dimosthenis Karatzas, & Andrew Bagdanov. (2013). Document Classification and Page Stream Segmentation for Digital Mailroom Applications. In 12th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (pp. 621–625).
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David Aldavert, Marçal Rusiñol, Ricardo Toledo, & Josep Llados. (2013). Integrating Visual and Textual Cues for Query-by-String Word Spotting. In 12th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (pp. 511–515).
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Andreas Fischer, Volkmar Frinken, Horst Bunke, & Ching Y. Suen. (2013). Improving HMM-Based Keyword Spotting with Character Language Models. In 12th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (pp. 506–510).
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Lluis Gomez, & Dimosthenis Karatzas. (2013). Multi-script Text Extraction from Natural Scenes. In 12th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (pp. 467–471).
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Javier Marin, David Vazquez, Antonio Lopez, Jaume Amores, & Bastian Leibe. (2013). Random Forests of Local Experts for Pedestrian Detection. In 15th IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (pp. 2592–2599). IEEE.
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Gemma Roig, Xavier Boix, R. de Nijs, Sebastian Ramos, K. Kühnlenz, & Luc Van Gool. (2013). Active MAP Inference in CRFs for Efficient Semantic Segmentation. In 15th IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (pp. 2312–2319).
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Fares Alnajar, Theo Gevers, Roberto Valenti, & Sennay Ghebreab. (2013). Calibration-free Gaze Estimation using Human Gaze Patterns. In 15th IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (pp. 137–144).
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Hamdi Dibeklioglu, Albert Ali Salah, & Theo Gevers. (2013). Like Father, Like Son: Facial Expression Dynamics for Kinship Verification. In 15th IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (pp. 1497–1504).
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Jon Almazan, Albert Gordo, Alicia Fornes, & Ernest Valveny. (2013). Handwritten Word Spotting with Corrected Attributes. In 15th IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (pp. 1017–1024).
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Jorge Bernal, F. Javier Sanchez, & Fernando Vilariño. (2013). Impact of Image Preprocessing Methods on Polyp Localization in Colonoscopy Frames. In 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (pp. 7350–7354).
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Andreas Møgelmose, Chris Bahnsen, Thomas B. Moeslund, Albert Clapes, & Sergio Escalera. (2013). Tri-modal Person Re-identification with RGB, Depth and Thermal Features. In 9th IEEE Workshop on Perception beyond the visible Spectrum, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (pp. 301–307).
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Fadi Dornaika, & Bogdan Raducanu. (2013). Out-of-Sample Embedding for Manifold Learning Applied to Face Recognition. In IEEE International Workshop on Analysis and Modeling of Faces and Gestures (pp. 862–868).
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David Vazquez, Jiaolong Xu, Sebastian Ramos, Antonio Lopez, & Daniel Ponsa. (2013). Weakly Supervised Automatic Annotation of Pedestrian Bounding Boxes. In CVPR Workshop on Ground Truth – What is a good dataset? (pp. 706–711). IEEE.
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Jiaolong Xu, David Vazquez, Sebastian Ramos, Antonio Lopez, & Daniel Ponsa. (2013). Adapting a Pedestrian Detector by Boosting LDA Exemplar Classifiers. In CVPR Workshop on Ground Truth – What is a good dataset? (pp. 688–693).
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