Fernando Lopez, J.M. Valiente, Ramon Baldrich, & Maria Vanrell. (2005). Fast surface grading using color statistics in the CIELab space. In Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis. IbPRIA 2005 (Vol. LNCS 3523, pp. 66–673).
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Robert Benavente, & Maria Vanrell. (2004). Fuzzy Colour Naming Based on Sigmoid Membership Functions..
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Xavier Roca, Jordi Vitria, Maria Vanrell, & Juan J. Villanueva. (1999). Gaze control in a binocular robot systems. In 7th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation. Proceedings ETFA '99.
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Agnes Borras, Francesc Tous, Josep Llados, & Maria Vanrell. (2003). High-Level Clothes Description Based on Colour-Texture and Structural Features. In 1rst. Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis IbPRIA 2003 (Vol. 2652, pp. 108–116). LNCS.
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Susana Alvarez, Xavier Otazu, & Maria Vanrell. (2005). Image Segmentation Based on Inter-Feature Distance Maps. In Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, IOS Press, 131: 75–82.
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Maria Vanrell, Ramon Baldrich, Anna Salvatella, Robert Benavente, & Francesc Tous. (2004). Induction operators for a computational colour-texture representation. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 94(1–3):92–114, ISSN: 1077–3142 (IF: 0.651).
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Sagnik Das, Hassan Ahmed Sial, Ke Ma, Ramon Baldrich, Maria Vanrell, & Dimitris Samaras. (2020). Intrinsic Decomposition of Document Images In-the-Wild. In 31st British Machine Vision Conference.
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Shida Beigpour, Marc Serra, Joost Van de Weijer, Robert Benavente, Maria Vanrell, Olivier Penacchio, et al. (2013). Intrinsic Image Evaluation On Synthetic Complex Scenes. In 20th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (pp. 285–289).
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Robert Benavente, C. Alejandro Parraga, & Maria Vanrell. (2010). La influencia del contexto en la definicion de las fronteras entre las categorias cromaticas. In 9th Congreso Nacional del Color (92–95).
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Hassan Ahmed Sial, Ramon Baldrich, Maria Vanrell, & Dimitris Samaras. (2020). Light Direction and Color Estimation from Single Image with Deep Regression. In London Imaging Conference.
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Jaime Moreno, Xavier Otazu, & Maria Vanrell. (2010). Local Perceptual Weighting in JPEG2000 for Color Images. In 5th European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging and Vision and 12th International Symposium on Multispectral Colour Science (255–260).
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Susana Alvarez, Anna Salvatella, Maria Vanrell, & Xavier Otazu. (2012). Low-dimensional and Comprehensive Color Texture Description. CVIU - Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 116(I), 54–67.
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Naila Murray, Maria Vanrell, Xavier Otazu, & C. Alejandro Parraga. (2013). Low-level SpatioChromatic Grouping for Saliency Estimation. TPAMI - IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 35(11), 2810–2816.
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Maria Vanrell, & Jordi Vitria. (1993). Mathematical Morphology, Granulometries and Texture Perception. In SPIE International Symposium on Optical Instrumentation and Applied Science (Conference on image Algebra and Morphological image Processing IV)..
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