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Dani Rowe. (2007). Towards Robust Multiple-People Tracking in Unconstrained Environments.
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Sergio Escalera, Oriol Pujol, & Petia Radeva. (2007). Traffic Sign Classification using Error Correcting Techniques. In 2nd International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (281–285).
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Javier Jimenez, Antonio Lopez, & Joan Serrat. (2007). Un enfoque ABP aplicado a Ingenieria del Software.
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Karla Lizbeth Caballero, Joel Barajas, & Petia Radeva. (2007). Using Reconstructed IVUS Images for Coronary Plaque Classification. In Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE (2167–2170).
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Alex Goldhoorn, Arnau Ramisa, Ramon Lopez de Mantaras, & Ricardo Toledo. (2007). Using the Average Landmark Vector Method for Robot Homing. In Artificial Intelligence Research and Development, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the ACIA (Vol. 163, 331–338).
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Daniel Ponsa, & Antonio Lopez. (2007). Vehicle Trajectory Estimation based on Monocular Vision. In 3rd Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, LNCS 4477 (pp. 587–594).
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Josep Llados, Partha Pratim Roy, Jose Antonio Rodriguez, & Gemma Sanchez. (2007). Word Spotting in Archive Documents using Shape Contexts. In 3rd Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (IbPRIA 2007), J. Marti et al. (Eds.) LNCS 4478:290–297.
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