Keywords Records (down)
Social pattern characterization; Social signal extraction; Lifelogging; Convolutional and recurrent neural networks 1
face discovery; face clustering; deepmatching; bag-of-tracklets; egocentric photo-streams 1
Convolutional Neural Networks; Texture Recognition; Local Binary Paterns 1
Action recognition; CNNs; Feature fusion 1
Bronchoscopy; Tracheal stenosis; Airway stenosis; Computer-assisted analysis 1
Computer vision; laser techniques; data fusion; advanced driver assistance systems; traffic monitoring systems; intelligent vehicles 1
Driving simulator; hardware; software; interface; traffic simulation; macroscopic simulation; microscopic simulation; virtual data; training data 1
document terms; information retrieval; affinity graph; graph of document terms; multiwriter; graph diffusion 1
graph embedding; hierarchical graph representation; graph clustering; stochastic graphlet embedding; graph classification 1
Optical Music Recognition; Recurrent Neural Network; Long Short-Term Memory 1
optical music recognition; document analysis; convolutional neural network; deep learning 1
Video Games; Soft Skills; Training; Skilling Development; Emotions; Cognitive Abilities; Flappy Bird; Pacman; Tetris 1
Learning (artificial intelligence); Pattern Recognition 1
semantic segmentation; RGB-D; random forest; conditional random field; 2D; 3D; CNN 1
Convolutional neural network; Image segmentation; Artificial neural network; Nearest neighbor search 1