Keywords Records (down)
Interventional cardiology; Atherosclerosis; Coronary arteries; IVUS; calcium volume; Soft computing; Performance Reliability; Accuracy 1
Administrative Document Classification; Logo Recognition; Logo Spotting 1
Detecting moving objects; Chromatic shadow detection; Temporal local gradient; Spatial and Temporal brightness and angle distortions; Shadow tracking 1
Object recognition; Deformable part models; Learning and sharing parts; Discovering discriminative parts 1
Bacteria modelling; medial axis; active contours; active skeleton; shape contraints 1
Word spotting; Sliding window; Word attributes 1
Facial expression; affect; emotion recognition; RGB; 3D; thermal; multimodal 1
Contextual rescoring; Poselets; Human pose estimation 1
Head gestures recognition; Mirroring detection; Dyadic social interaction analysis; Wearable devices 1
Tower Defense game; learning opportunities; mathematics; problem solving; game design 1
Colonoscopy, Polyp Detection, Polyp Localization, Region Extraction, Watersheds 1
particle detection; particle tracking; a-contrario approach; time-lapse fluorescence imaging 1
Projector-camera systems; Feature descriptors; Object recognition 1
Pedestrian Detection; GPU 1
Stereo; Autonomous Driving; GPU; 3d reconstruction 1