Keywords Records (down)
Convolutional networks; deep learning; sparse learning; feature extraction; hyperspectral image classification 1
word spotting; coarse-to-fine mechamism; graphbased representation; graph embedding; graph edit distance 1
Computer vision; Video surveillance; Cultural heritage; Multimedia museum; Personalization; Natural interaction; Passive profiling 1
re-identification; Identity inference; Conditional random fields; Video surveillance 1
Re-identification; Conditional random field; Semi-supervised; ETHZ; CAVIAR; 3DPeS; CMV100 1
Digital mail room; Multimodal page classification; Visual and textual document description 1
Object categorization; local features; kernel methods 1
Multi-spectral; Cross-spectral; Visible-LWIR imaging; Multimodal. 1
Human Pose Recovery; Behavior Analysis; Action and in- teractions; Multi-modal gestures; recognition 1
document image analysis; stochastic context-free grammars; text classi cation features 1
Inverse perspective mapping; Multimodal sensor fusion; Intelligent vehicles 1
Egomotion estimation; feature matching; multispectral odometry (MO); optical flow; stereo odometry; thermal imagery 1
Graphics recognition; Floor plan analysis; Object segmentation 1
Graphics recognition; Graphics retrieval; Image classification 1
Historical documents; Keyword spotting; Segmentation-free; Dense SIFT features; Latent semantic analysis; Product quantization 1