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CVC Technical Report #52 1 records  
Proceedings of the IX Spanish Symposium on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, 1:79–84. 1 records  
Proc. of the Real World Computing Symposium. 1 records  
Image Analysis and Processing. ICIAP 1997 1 records  
Proceedings of the IX Spanish Symposium on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, 1:315–322. 1 records  
PhD Thesis 1 records  
XIV Congreso anual de la sociedad española de ingenieria biomedica 1 records  
CVC Tecnical Report #14 1 records  
IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition. Vol B, pp. 462–466 1 records  
CVC Technical Report #11 1 records  
CVC Technical Report #03 1 records  
Graduating Project 1 records  
Advances in Pattern Recognition, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1876: 550–559, Springer Verlag. 1 records  
Computacion y Sistemas, 4(1):30–43. 1 records  
International Workshop on Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects ( AMDO&rsquo), 173–181. 1 records  