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European Conference on Visual Perception 4 records  
European Heart Journal (IF: 5.997), ESC Congress 2003 4 records  
Handbook of Document Image Processing and Recognition 4 records  
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing 4 records  
IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops 4 records  
IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 4 records  
IEEE Transactions on cybernetics 4 records  
IET Computer Vision 4 records  
Journal of Machine Learning Research 4 records  
Knowledge-Based Systems 4 records  
Medical Physics 4 records  
Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems, 4 records  
The Springer Series on Challenges in Machine Learning 4 records  
UAB Divulga, Revista de divulgacion cientifica 4 records  
VI National Simposium on Pattern Recognition and image Analysis 4 records  