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Machine learning; Sequential learning; Multi-class problems; Contextual learning; Medical volume segmentation 1 records  
Human limb segmentation; ECOC; Graph-Cuts 1 records  
Human body segmentation; Stacked Sequential Learning 1 records  
Color correction; image mosaicking; color transfer; color palette mapping functions 1 records  
Arterial stiffness; Atherosclerosis; Common carotid artery; Longitudinal kinetics; Motion tracking; Ultrasound imaging 1 records  
Evolutionary algorithms; Termination condition; Steady state; Differential evolution 1 records  
word spotting; graph-based representation; shape context description; graph edit distance; DTW; block merging; query by example 1 records  
Gesture Recognition; ADHD; Gaussian Mixture Models; Convex Hulls; Dynamic Time Warping; Multi-modal RGB-Depth data 1 records  
Competition; Graphics recognition; Music scores; Writer identification; Staff removal 1 records  
Nominative Sources; Census; Vital Records; Computer Vision; Optical Character Recognition; Word Spotting 1 records  
color features; color names; object recognition 1 records  
3D shape context; 3D point cloud alignment; Depth maps; Human body segmentation; Soft biometry analysis 1 records  
Object detection; Unsupervised learning; Motion segmentation; Latent variables; Support vector machine; Multiple appearance models; Video surveillance 1 records  
Pose estimation; double counting problem; mix-ture of parts Model 1 records  
Computer Science ; Learning; Computer Science ;Neural and Evolutionary Computing 1 records  