Publication Records (up)
CVC Technical Report #28 1
CVC Technical Report #29 1
CVC Technical Report #31 1
CVC Technical Report #33 1
CVC Technical Report #34 1
CVC Technical Report #36 1
Proceedings of the SIT2001. 1
Proceedings of the SIARP´2001. 1
Eighth International Conference on Computer Vision, IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 1:335–342. 1
CVC Technical Report #50 1
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2001), 1:1030–1033 1
Fundamentos de la Vision aplicada a la Robotica Autonoma. 1
11th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing, ICIAP 2001, 273–278. 1
CVC Technical Report #54 1
Proceedings Volume 3101, New Image Processing Techniques and Applications: Algorithms, Methods, and Components II 1